Line Designations

Each institution that produces fish lines should acquire an institutional line designation. Historically, line designations were assigned to labs, but the proliferation of labs producing fish has resulted in a change to assigning the designations on an institutional basis. All labs producing fish lines at the same institution should seek to share a single institutional line designation.

Contact the Nomenclature Coordinator to be assigned an new line designation. Line designations are assigned using these guidelines:

Allele-specific names for zebrafish mutants are denoted by superscript following the mutant locus symbol. They are formed by the following rules:

For example, in Eugene, Oregon, all allele names begin with b and are numbered sequentially, approximately in the order that they were identified; cycb16 is an allele of cyclops that was isolated in Eugene.

More examples:
Dominant allele from Carnegie Institute - chidc124
Recessive alleles from Children's Hospital, Boston - dlycz3321, egycz5
Recessive allele from University of Pennsylvania, with appended letters - bbpp58cd

For more information, you can refer to the Zebrafish Nomenclature Guidelines.

Allocated institution line designations:

Designation Location Labs
    a Harvard University Cohen Lab, Dowling Lab, Engert Lab, Robson Lab, Schier Lab
    aa Academy of Athens Beis Lab
    ae Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bowman Lab, Marlow Lab
    af Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Freiburg Heermann Lab
    agu Aoyama Gakuin University Hirata Lab
    ah University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, Anhui Bing Hu Lab
    ahc Amherst College Trapani Lab
    ai National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Oishi Lab
    aik University of South Carolina Aiken DeLaurier Lab
    alv University of the Algarve Thyroid hormone in development
    ama Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique UMS AMAGEN CNRS INRA (Closed)
    amc Academic Medical Center Baas Lab
    ams University of Amsterdam Huveneers Lab
    amu Adam Mickiewicz University Anbalagan Lab
    ari Agharkar Research Institute Cardiovascular biology Lab
    aro Agricultural Research Organization - Volcani Center. Golan Lab
    as Academia Sinica Nankang Chang-Jen Huang Lab, Chen-Hui Chen Lab, Chung Lab, Fish Molecular Physiology Laboratory, Hwang Lab, Jen-Leih Wu Lab, Ruey-Bing Yang Lab, Shih-Lei Lai Laboratory
    asj Academia Sinica Jiaushi JY Chen Lab
    asu Ashland University Mason Posner Lab
    au University of Texas at Austin Eberhart Lab, Stephen C. Ekker Laboratory
    az Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International Sato Lab
    b Oregon Adam C Miller Lab, Eisen Lab, Grimes Lab, Guillemin Lab, Kimmel Lab, Postlethwait Zebrafish Genetics Laboratory, Stankunas Lab, Streisinger Lab, Washbourne Lab, Westerfield Lab, Weston Lab
    ba University of Bath Bath Zebrafish Development Lab
    bbu Northeastern Illinois University Cantú Lab
    bc Centre de Regulacio Genomica - PRBB, Barcelona
    bcm Baylor College of Medicine Gorelick Lab
    bcn University of Barcelona -Bellvitge Campus Barrallo Gimeno Lab
    bcz Boston College Gonzalez-Rosa Lab, McMenamin Lab, Shiau Lab
    be Gene Expression Laboratories Izpisúa Belmonte Lab
    ber Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology Cronan Lab
    bgu Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Birnbaum Lab
    bi University of Sydney Becker Lab
    biu Bar-Ilan University Appelbaum Lab, Karasik Lab
    biz Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Asnani Lab, Nath Lab
    bjz Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Jiang Liu Laboratory
    bk University of California Berkeley Craig Miller Lab, Isacoff Lab, Ngai Lab, Richard H. Kramer Lab
    bmc Biomedical Center Biomedical Center, University of Iceland
    bn University of Bonn Ben Odermatt Lab, Zebrafish Core Facility, University of Bonn
    bns Max Planck Institute, Bad Nauheim Stainier Lab
    bo Bowdoin College Jackman Lab
    bps Institute of Biology Paris-Seine (IBPS) Developmental Biology Laboratory, Institute of Biology Paris-Seine (IBPS)
    br Brown University Plavicki Lab
    brn University of Bern Mercader Lab
    bsl University of Bristol Hammond Lab, Martin Lab, Rebecca Richardson Lab
    bsu Boise State University Oxford Lab
    bu Boston University Feng Lab, Garcia-Marcos Lab, Zhdanova Lab
    bw Brigham and Women's Hospital Bonventre Lab, Fong Lab, MacRae Lab, Nissim Lab, Paw Lab
    by Brigham Young University Suli Lab
    bz Technische Universität Braunschweig Köster Lab
    c Carnegie Institute Farber Lab
    ca University of Calgary Childs Lab, Kurrasch Lab, McFarlane Lab, Peng Huang Lab, Vijayan Lab
    cas Chinese Academy of Science Lin Li Lab, Weijun Pan Lab
    cbg Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Elisabeth Knust Lab, Huisken Lab, Mateus Lab, Norden Lab
    cbm Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa Bovolenta Lab, Martin-Belmonte Lab
    cc Army Medical University, Chongqing, China Chi Liu Lab
    ccu Champalimaud Center for the Unknown Visio to Action - Orger Lab
    cd Dartmouth College Halpern Lab, Kasper Lab, Walker Lab
    cdf Collège de France Regeneration and morphogenesis in zebrafish
    ced German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) Dresden Kizil Lab
    cf Cornell University Joe Fetcho Lab
    cg Colgate University Meyers Lab
    ch University of Chicago Anderson Group, Chuan He Lab, Prince Lab, Robert Ho Lab, Shubin Lab
    chb Boston Children's Hospital Burns Lab, Joanne Chan Lab, Mably Lab
    chh Changsha Hospital for Maternal and Child Health Care Xiangwen Peng lab
    chi Chiba University Itoh Lab
    chk Chinese University of Hong Kong Bo Gao's Lab
    ci Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Barske Lab, Chunyue Yin Lab, Ozbudak Lab, Slavotinek Lab, Waxman Lab
    cif ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education Chaudhari Lab
    cig Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology Pei Lab, Research Center for Environment and Health (RCEH)
    cj Cancer Research UK London Research Institute Vertebrate Development Laboratory
    ck Chungnam National University Cheol-Hee Kim Lab, Laboratory of cellular differentiation
    cku National Cheng-Kung University TF Fu Lab
    cl Children's Hospital, Boston Aquatic Resources Program, Beggs Lab, Engle Lab, Hildebrandt Lab, Kunkel Lab, Lencer Lab
    cm Cornell University McCune Lab
    cmg Ghent University - Center for Medical Genetics Ghent (CMGG) Callewaert Lab, Center for Medical Genetics Ghent (CMGG), Speleman Lab
    cmr Center for Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona Raya Lab
    cms Chonnam National University Medical School Seok-Yong Choi Lab
    cn Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares CNIC de la Pompa Lab
    cnu National Changhua University of Education CF Ken Lab
    co University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus Appel Lab, Artinger Lab, Clouthier Lab, Jessica Nelson Lab, Macklin Lab, Mosimann Lab, Nancy Miller Lab, Nichols Lab, Ribera Lab, Sagerström Lab
    cph University of Copenhagen Lundegaard Lab, Ober Lab
    cpu China Pharmaceutical University Jing Shang Lab
    cq School of Life Sciences, Southwest University, China Jianlong Ma Lab, Li Li Lab, Lingfei Luo Lab, Yun Li Lab
    cqu Chongqing University Wang GX Lab
    crg Centre for Genomic Regulation Irimia Lab
    cri Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Falk lab
    cru Creighton University Kramer Lab
    cs University of Colorado Medeiros Lab, Stock Lab
    csl California State University Long Beach Holland Lab
    csu California State University Nissen Lab
    csz Cedar-Sinai Melmed Lab
    ct California Institute of Technology Bronner-Fraser Lab, Prober Lab, Scott Fraser Lab
    cu Cambridge University Adams Lab, Buckley Lab, Fleming Lab, Harris Lab, Horvath Lab, Ramakrishnan Lab, Sarris Lab
    cw Cornell University
    cwr Case Western Reserve University Alagramam Lab, McDermott Lab
    cy Chung Yuan Christian Univ. Epidermal Stem Cell Lab
    cz Howard Hughes Medical Institute The Zon Lab
    czb Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Keir Balla
    e Institute of Science and Technology Austria Heisenberg Lab
    ecn East China Normal University Zhen-Yu Du Lab
    ecu East Carolina University Fadi Issa Lab, Mruk Lab, Myon Hee Lee Lab, Yong Zhu Lab
    ed MRC Edinburgh Abbott lab, Minchin Lab, Rossi Lab, Sieger Lab, Yi Feng Lab
    eib East China University of Science and Technology Dahai Yang Lab
    el USC Keck School of Medicine Crump Lab
    elu Eötvös Loránd University Varga Lab
    em Emory University Fritz Lab, Henke Lab, Jinhu Wang Lab, Shepherd Lab
    en University Erlangen-Nuremberg Jobst-Schwan Lab
    ens Ecole Normale Supérieure Charnay Lab, Kapsimali Lab, SUMBRE Lab
    epf École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne LEAGO group, Oates Lab
    er University of Muenster
    f Mass General Hospital - Cardiovascular Research Center Milan Lab, Peterson Lab, Randall Peterson Lab, The Fishman Laboratory, Yeh Lab, Yuan Lab
    fb Massachusetts General Hospital Drummond Lab, Galloway Lab, Geoff Burns Lab, Hung Lab, Langenau Lab
    fcc Fox Chase Cancer Center Rhodes Lab
    fci Francis Crick Institute Hill Lab, Jim Smith Lab, Pachnis Lab, Tooze lab/Molecular Cell Biology of Autophagy, Wilkinson Lab
    fcu Columbia University Targoff Lab
    fds University of Ferrara Bertolucci Lab
    fdu Fudan University Qiang Li Lab, Song Lab, Xui Xu Lab, Xu Wang Lab
    fh Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Moens Lab
    fi Università di Firenze Vanzi Lab
    fl Florida State University Fadool Lab
    fmi Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research Friedrich Lab
    fp Fondazione Istituto di Ricerca Pediatrica Aveic Lab
    fr Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg Boehm Lab, Hammerschmidt Lab, Trompouki Lab
    fri University of Fribourg Jazwinska Lab
    fu Frankfurt University Acker-Palmer lab, Lecaudey Lab
    g Houston Lekven Lab
    ga University of Georgia Dougan Lab, Goll Lab, Lauderdale Lab
    gd Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology Jian Zhang Laboratory
    ge Georg-August University Goettingen Dosch Lab
    gf Gifu University Takashima Lab
    ggc Greenwood Genetic Center and Clemson University Steet/Flanagan-Steet Lab
    gi Garvan Institute of Medical Research Hesselson Lab, Transplantation Immunology
    gib Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology Pillai Lab, Sivasubbu Lab
    gl Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Lieschke Laboratory
    gmc Georgia Health Sciences University Kozlowski Lab
    gmu Guizhou Medical University Zhi-Xu He Lab
    gt Georgia Institute of Technology Chong Shin lab
    gu Georgetown University Glasgow Lab
    gw Washington University School of Medicine Goldsmith Lab
    gy Institute of Neurobiology Alfred Fessard Vernier Lab
    gyf Guangdong Medical University Development and functional regulation of BBB
    gz The National University of Singapore Zhiyuan Gong Lab
    ha Hiroshima University Aizawa Lab, Kikuchi Lab
    hcp Cal Poly Humboldt Gahtan Lab
    hd Max Planck Institute for Medical Research Ryu Lab Heidelberg
    hdb EMBL Heidelberg Diz-Muñoz Group, Maria Leptin Lab
    he Henan University Xiukun Cui Lab
    hg NHGRI/NIH Burgess Lab, P. Paul Liu Lab, Puertollano Lab, Sood Lab
    hh University of Sheffield
    hi MIT Hopkins Lab
    hj Heilongjiang River Fisheries Research Institute Kuang Lab
    hjr Hebrew University of Jeruselem Fish Reproduction
    hkb Hong Kong Baptist University KL Yung Lab
    hki University of Helsinki Panula Lab
    hkk Hokkaido University Kotani Lab
    hku University of Hong Kong Anskar Leung Lab
    hkz Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Laboratory of Dr. Andrew L. Miller
    hm Harvard Medical School Megason Lab
    hmr Houston Methodist Research Institute (HMRI) Longhou Fang Lab
    hn Hunan Normal University Deng Lab, Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Human Health
    hnu Hanbat National University Yeo Lab
    hsc The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto Ciruna Lab, Jim Dowling Lab, Pearson Lab, Saadet Andrews Lab, Scott Laboratory
    hsi Dalhousie Univeristy Berman Lab, Quinn Lab
    hu Hubrecht Lab, Utrecht Bakkers Lab, Catherine Robin Lab, Clevers Lab, Cuppen Lab, den Hertog Lab, Hubrecht Institute, Plasterk Lab
    huh Haukeland University Hospital Renal Research Group
    huj Hebrew University of Jerusalem Inbal Lab
    hv Haverford College Jain Lab
    hyo University of Hyogo Hatta Lab
    hza HuaZhong Agricultural University Jie Mei Lab, Jing-Xia Liu Lab, Ze-Xia Gao Lab
    hzm Helmholtz Zentrum München Lopez-Schier Lab
    hzu Huazhong University of Science and Technology Haibo Jia Lab, Mugen Liu Lab, Xianqin Zhang Lab
    i ICRF Ingham Sheffield Lab (Closed), Ingham Singapore Lab
    ia Universita' di Padova Argenton Lab, Dalla Valle Lab, Moro Lab, Tiso Lab
    iaf Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) Patten Lab
    ib CSIC-Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona Minguillon Lab
    ibl Leiden University Bussmann Lab, Haramis Lab, Meijer Lab, Schaaf Lab, Spaink Lab
    ibr Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR-CONICET/Univ. Nac. Rosario) Calcaterra Lab
    ic Institut Curie
    icl Imperial College London Dallman Lab, Thomas Brand Lab
    icm L'Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinère PHENO-Zfish, Wyart Lab
    idb IDIBAPS Barcelona Translational research group in new therapeutic and diagnostic strategies in liver diseases
    idc National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Kindt Lab
    idv Institut de la Vision Del Bene Lab
    idz Indian Institute of Science Developmental and Biomedical Genetics Laboratory
    ig Institut de génétique et de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire (IGBMC) Vermot Lab
    ihb Inst of Hydrobiology Cui Lab, Gui Lab, Hong Cao Lab, Mingxian Chang Lab, Qing Wang Lab, Wei Hu lab, Xiao Lab, Yi-bing Zhang Lab, Yonghua Sun Lab, Yuhua Sun Lab, Zhan Yin Lab
    ii Imagine Institute Saunier's lab
    iim Institute of Marine Research (IIM-CSIC) Rotllant Lab
    iis i3s - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Porto Vertebrate Development and Regeneration Lab
    imb Institute of Medical Biology, A-STAR Human Embryology
    img University of Belgrade, Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering Laboratory for Molecular Biology, IMGGE
    imm Instituto de Medicina Molecular Leonor Saude Lab
    in Instituto de Neurociencias, Alicante, Spain Nieto Lab
    inj INRAE, Jouy en Josas Langevin Lab
    inr Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique Bobe Lab, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Laboratoire de Physiologie et Génomique des Poissons
    io IFOM Zebrafish Unit - Cogentech Srl
    ion Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Neuroscience Jie He Lab, Jiu-Lin Du Lab, Zebrafish Brain Atlas Research Group
    ioz State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane and Membrane Biotechnology Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences Liu Lab
    ip Institut Pasteur Bally-Cuif Lab, Herbomel Lab
    ipk Department of Pharmacology, University of Cologne Gründemann Lab
    ipm Institut Pasteur de Montevideo Cell Biology of Neural Development, Molecular and Human Genetics Lab
    ir University of California Irvine Parsons Lab, Schilling Lab
    irc IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris, Italy Santorelli Lab
    iro Institute for Research in Ophthalmology Institut de Recherche en Ophtalmologie (IRO) (Closed)
    is Iowa State University Campbell Lab, Espin Lab, Essner Lab, McGrail Lab
    isc Institut de Neurobiologie Alfred Fessard Peyriéras Lab
    it University of Tsukuba Kobayashi Lab
    itm University of Milan Vaccari Lab
    itz Royan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Technology, Tehran Royan Zebrafish Core Facility
    iu Indiana University School of Medicine
    ivb InVivo Biosystems InVivo Biosytems
    j Washington University Stephen L. Johnson Lab, Ting Wang Lab
    ja University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science Fukada Lab (Closed), Group of Animal Morphogenesis During Development, Kojima Lab
    jf HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus Ahrens Lab, Schreiter Lab
    jg University Medical Center, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
    jh Johns Hopkins University Jimenez Lab, McCallion Lab, Mumm Lab
    jj Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
    jk University of Tokyo, School of Biological Science
    js Tohoku University Gembu Abe Lab, Ogura Lab, Shoji Lab, Suzuki Lab
    jt University of Tokyo, School of Medicine Fujiwara Lab, Mishina Lab, Mizushima Lab
    k Northwestern University McLean Lab, Takahashi Lab
    ka Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT) Blattner Lab, Dickmeis Lab, Foulkes Lab, Grabher Lab, Le Noble Lab, Rastegar Lab, Strähle Lab (Closed)
    kb Kobe University Inoue Lab
    kbc Hospital Kremlin Biocetre Tawk Lab
    kc Pennsylvania State University Cheng Lab
    kca University of Koln Reugels / Campos-Ortega Lab
    kco Kenyon College, Ohio Petersen Lab
    kg Kings College London Hindges Lab, Hinits Lab, Houart Lab, Jon Clarke Lab, Linker Lab, Meyer Lab, Rodaway Lab, Simon M. Hughes Lab
    kgs Kagoshima University Shiozaki Lab
    kh Kyung Hee University Molecular Genetics Laboratory
    ki Karolinska Institute Andersson Lab, Andersson-Lendahl Lab, Helleday Lab, Tryggvason Lab, Zebrafish core facility Karolinska Institutet
    kj University of Tokyo Kawamura Lab, Watabe Lab
    km Korea University Medical Center (Ansan Hospital) Hae-Chul Park Lab
    kn University of Konstanz Axel Meyer Lab, Stürmer Lab
    knu Kyungpook National University Huh Lab
    ko Kyoto University Maegawa Lab, Sehara-Fujisawa Lab, Shukunami Lab
    krb Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology Jeong-Soo Lee lab
    ks Kansas State University Thorpe Lab
    kst Stowers Institute for Medical Research Krumlauf Lab
    ksu Kyoto Sangyo University Laboratory of RNA regulation
    kt Japan Science and Technology Corporation Kondoh ERATO Lab
    kts Kitasato University Wada Lab
    ku University of Kansas Medical Center Cellular and Developmental Neuroscience, Godwin Lab, Kinsey Lab, Long Zheng Lab
    kum Kumamoto University Sugimoto Lab
    kut Kochi University of Technology Kamachi Lab
    kw Western Michigan University Kane Lab
    ky National Institute of Environmental Studies Section of Experimental Pathology and Toxicology
    kyu Kyushu University
    kz Kanazawa University Isao Kobayashi Lab
    l University of Notre Dame Lei Li Lab
    la University of California Los Angeles Bronstein Lab, Burgess & Lin Lab, Jau-Nian Chen Lab, Koehler Lab, Papazian Lab, Sagasti lab UCLA, Shuo Lin Lab, Thao Nguyen Lab
    laf Lafayette College Ezra Lencer Lab
    lc Lewis and Clark College Weissman Lab
    lcr Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Oxford University De Val Lab
    ld Duke University Linney Lab
    lh Lehigh University Iovine Lab
    li Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) Englert Lab
    lkc Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine Carney Lab, Dunn Lab, Jesuthasan Lab
    lmb MRC-Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB)
    lmc Luminomics Luminomics Inc
    lou University of Louisville Lovely Lab
    lp Laboratoire de Physique de L Ecole Normale Superieure (LPENS) Bensimon Lab
    lri Cleveland Clinic Anand-Apte Lab, Brian Perkins Lab, Matsuoka Lab, Sakaguchi Lab
    ltu La Trobe University Dworkin Lab
    lu Loyola University Chicago Pickett Lab
    lux University of Luxembourg Linster Lab
    lv KU Leuven Darras Lab, de Witte Lab
    m University of Freiburg Driever Lab, Onichtchouk Lab
    ma Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Aoki Lab, Yoshizaki Lab
    mai University of Maine Carol H. Kim Lab, Henry Lab
    mb Center of Marine Biotechnology, University of Maryland Du Lab, Shengyun Fang Lab, Zohar Lab
    mbc University of Maryland Baltimore County Brewster Lab
    mbg Marine Biological Laboratory Gitlin Lab
    md Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine Gerhardt Lab, Panáková Lab, Sawamiphak Lab
    mde Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich Maier-Begandt Lab, Schmid Lab
    mdi Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory Coffman Lab, Madelaine Lab, Rieger Lab, Voot Yin Lab
    mdu School of Medicine, Deakin University Ward Lab
    mg McGill University Armstrong Lab
    mh Harvard Medical School Matthew Harris Lab
    mhh Medizinische Hochschule Hannover Abdelilah-Seyfried Lab Hannover
    mhn Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle Tostivint Lab
    mi University of Michigan Cunming Duan Lab, Goldman Lab, Hitchcock Lab, Kuwada Lab, Lyons Lab, Raymond Lab, Shavit Lab, Tzumin Lee Lab
    mie Mie University Nishimura Lab
    mil UWM Great Lakes WATER Institute Udvadia Lab
    mit Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Boyden Lab, Lees Lab
    mk Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Niethammer Lab, White Lab
    mke University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Gutzman Lab
    ml University of Innsbruck Dirk Meyer Lab
    mmc Mackay Medical College Tsai Laboratory
    mmr Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle Molecular Mechanisms of Regeneration
    mn Mayo Clinic Burghardt Lab, Clark Lab, Jane Zhu Lab, Mukhopadhyay Lab, Schimmenti Lab
    mnu Monash University Bird Lab, Bryson-Richardson Lab, Kaslin Lab, Ramialison Lab, Renee Chow Lab
    mo Monash University
    mpb Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt Schuman Lab
    mpn Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology Baier Lab
    mps Max Planck Instiute for the Science of Light Wehner Lab
    mq Macquaire University Laird Lab, Morsch Lab, Nicholas Cole Lab, Roger Chung Lab
    mr University Marburg Helker Lab
    mss Mount Sinai School of Medicine Chu Lab, Zebrafish Lab for Translational Medicine
    msu Michigan State University Braasch Lab, Ganz Lab
    mu Munster University Herzog Lab, Raz Lab, Schulte-Merker, Siekmann Lab
    muo Miami University Oxford, Ohio Schumacher Lab
    muu Musashino University Ohata Lab
    muz Medical University of South Carolina Lobo Lab, Seok-Hyung Kim Lab, Sherine Chan Lab, Tew Lab
    mw Medical College of Wisconsin Besharse Lab, Link Lab, Mayer Lab, Ramchandran Lab, Semina Lab
    myz University of Miyazaki Kenmochi Lab
    mz Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB), Mainz Ketting Lab
    n University of Newcastle upon Tyne Bassett Lab, Chaudhry Lab, Jowett Lab
    nau Northern Arizona University Salanga Lab
    nc University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Bautch Lab, Cho Lab, Ellen R. Weiss Lab, Jiandong Liu Lab, Jin Lab
    ncb National Centre for Biological Sciences Neural Circuits and Development lab
    ncc North Carolina Central University Chatterjee Lab, XL Chen Lab
    nce University of Nice Sophia Antipolis Fürthauer Lab, Telomere and Genome Stability Laboratory
    nch Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Genevieve Kendall Lab
    nci National Cancer Institute Hickstein Lab, Sheue-yann Cheng Lab
    ncu North Carolina State University Marsden Lab, Yoder Lab
    ncv National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center Research Institute Mochizuki Lab
    ncz Nanchang University Key Laboratory of Aquatic Resources and Utilization of Jiangxi
    nds NIH/NINDS Hejtmancik Lab, Ralph Nelson Lab
    ne Zebrafish Neurogenetics Group
    nei Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences Chemical Biology Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences
    nf Nanfang Hospital Xinping Yang Lab
    nfl University of Newfoundland Curtis French lab
    nhi Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience Kamermans Lab
    ni Nara Institute of Science and Technology Gene Regulation Research Lab, Inagaki Lab
    nia National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
    nig National Institute of Genetics (NIG), Japan Kubo Lab
    nii Niigata University Matsui Lab
    nim National Institute for Medical Research Elgar Lab - Fugu Comparative Genomics Group
    nj Rutgers University Copeland Lab, Kelvin Y. Kwan Lab, O'Brown Lab, Sabaawy Lab
    njm Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University Nanjing Key Laboratory of Pediatrics
    nju Nanjing University Xin Lou Lab, Zhao Lab
    nk National Institute of Genetics, Japan K. Kawakami Lab
    nkf National Kaohsiung University Chieh-Yu Pan Lab
    nku Nankai University Yuhao Li Lab
    nl OHSU School of Medicine Nechiporuk Lab
    nm Washington University School of Medicine Nonet Lab
    nn National Tsing Hua University & National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan Jiang Lab, YJ Chuang Lab, Yuh Lab
    nni National Eye Institute, NIH Brooks Lab, Ophthalmic Genomics Laboratory
    nns Okazaki Institute for Integrative Bioscience Higashijima Lab, Takada Lab
    np Nippon Medical School Fukuhara Lab
    ns National University of Singapore Shifeng Xue Lab, Takaomi Sanda Lab, Winkler Lab, Wohland Lab, Zebrafish Radiobiology Lab
    nt University of Notre Dame Cody Smith Lab, University of Notre Dame Center for Zebrafish Research, Wingert Lab
    ntu Nantong University Hui Xu Lab, Liu Dong Lab, Zhang Lab
    nu Northwestern University School of Medicine/CMIER Ahlgren Lab, Erica Davis Lab, Topczewski Lab
    nub Nagoya University Hibi Lab
    nuz Northeastern University Detrich Lab
    nv Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research Peixin Zhu Lab, Schebesta Lab
    nw Norwegian University of Science and Technology Yaksi Lab
    nwc Northwest University (China) Jing Tian Lab
    nya New York University Abu Dhabi Sadler Lab
    nyc NYU Neuroscience Institute Schoppik Lab
    nyu New York University Brian Dynlacht Lab
    nz The University of Auckland School of Medical Sciences Astin Lab, Christopher Hall Lab, Chromosome Structure and Development Group, Crosier Lab, Davidson Lab
    o University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland Laboratory of Genomics and Transcriptomics
    oi Oita University Toshikatsu Hanada Lab
    oki Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Masai Lab
    omc Osaka Medical College Department of Physiology, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
    omf Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Sansam Lab, Varshney Lab
    os Ohio State University Beattie Lab, Henion Lab, Jontes Lab
    osu Oregon State University Tanguay Lab
    ot University of Ottawa Akimenko Lab, Marc Ekker Lab, Steve F. Perry Lab
    ou Osaka University Ishitani Lab, Kondo Lab, Okamura Lab
    ouc Ocean University of China Chengtian Zhao Lab, Gen He Lab, Hongyan Li Lab, Laboratory for Development & Regeneration, Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Ling Lu Lab, Zhenhui Lab
    ovi Oregon Vollum Institute
    ox University of Oxford Patient Lab, Sauka-Spengler Lab
    oz Ohio State University Amacher Lab
    p University of Pennsylvania Balice-Gordon Lab, Eric Liao Lab, Fisher Lab, Matthews Lab, Michael Granato Lab, Mullins Laboratory, Pack Lab, Raj Lab, Raper Lab, Weinberg Lab
    pbb Universität Potsdam Abdelilah-Seyfried Lab Potsdam
    pc Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) Peter Currie Lab
    pd Duke University Medical Center Bagnat Lab, Poss Lab
    pfu Universitat Pompeu Fabra-PRBB Alsina Lab, Pujades Lab
    phk The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Alvin Ma Lab
    pku Peking University Jing-Wei Xiong Lab, Liangyi Chen Lab, PKU Zebrafish Functional Genomics Group
    pmc Universite Pierre et Marie Curie Vertebrate Brain Patterning
    pr Princeton University Burdine Lab
    psi Stowers Institute for Medical Research Piotrowski Lab, Rohner Lab
    psu Pennsylvania State University Rolls Lab
    pt University of Pittsburgh Bahary Lab, Beth Roman Lab, Burton Lab, Gross Lab, Hukriede Lab, Shin Lab, Tsang Lab, Wei Lab
    pu Purdue University Collodi Lab, GuangJun Zhang Lab, Qing Deng Lab, Suter Lab
    q University of Washington Wong Lab
    qm Queen Mary College, University of London Brennan Lab
    qmc University of Nottingham Gering Lab
    r Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale Groupe Danio
    rc Zebrafish International Resource Center Zebrafish International Resource Center (ZIRC)
    rdb Radboud University Department of Organismal Animal Physiology
    rdd Dr. Reddy’s Institute of Life Sciences Chatti Lab
    rdu Duke University Medical Center, Dept. of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology Center for Human Disease Modeling, Rawls Lab
    re Erasmus MC Barakat Lab, Emma de Pater Lab, French Lab, Iglesias Lab, Maria Alves Lab, van Ham Lab
    rj Chinese Academy of Sciences & Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Huaidong Song Lab, Jun Zhu Lab, Ting Xi Liu Lab, Xiao-Jian Sun Lab, Zhou Lab
    rji Chinese Academy of Sciences & Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (Renji Hospital) Fangyuan Chen Lab
    rk RIKEN - Kobe Laboratory for Vascular Morphogenesis, Vertebrate Body Plan Group
    rm Ruppin Academic Center School of Marine Sciences Daya Lab
    rmc Radboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen, Netherlands de Voer Lab, Functional genomics and therapeutics / ENT, Internal Medicinte, section Endocrinology, Molecular Therapies for Inherited Eye Disorders
    rr National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities Seko Lab
    rts Ritsumeikan University Matsuda Lab
    ru Rockefeller University Hudspeth Lab
    rw RIKEN - Wako Miyawaki Lab, Okamoto Lab, Yoshihara Lab
    s UCSF Baraban Lab, Guo Lab
    sa Welcome Trust Sanger Institute Stemple Lab, Vertebrate Genetics and Genomics
    sao University of São Paulo Laboratory of Human Genetics
    sb Strasbourg
    sbu SUNY Stony Brook Benjamin Martin Lab, Gary Matthews Lab, Sirotkin Lab
    sc Stedman Center Duke University Moss Lab
    scf The Scripps Research Institute Kishi Lab
    scm Seattle Children's Research Institute Beier Lab, Maves Lab
    scu Sichuan University Hsiao Chang Chan Lab, Jing Chen Lab, Xianming Mo Lab, Yao Lab
    scz Smith College Barresi Lab
    sd University of California, San Diego Neil C. Chi Lab, Traver Lab, Yelon Lab, Yury Miller Lab
    sdm Duke-NUS Medical School Lena Ho Lab
    sdu Shandong University De-Li Shi Lab, Ming Shao Lab
    sdz San Diego State University Grainger Lab
    sfc UCSF Black Lab, Deo Lab, Hata Lab, SCVRI (Smith Cardiovascular Research Institute), Shaun Coughlin Lab
    sfl University of South Florida Sumanas Lab
    sg Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory Orban Lab, Zebrafish Screening Laboratory
    sgf Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease/UCSF Finkbeiner Lab
    sgu St George's University of London Cavodeassi Lab
    sh The Bateson Centre Bandmann Lab, Cunliffe Lab, Elks Lab, Johnston Lab, Lab D38, Malicki Lab, Noel Lab, Paul C. Evans Lab, Renshaw Sheffield Lab, Rob Wilkinson, Roehl Lab, Tennore Ramesh Lab, van Eeden Lab, Whitfield Lab
    sht ShanghaiTech University Antos Lab
    shz Shenzhen Peking University-the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Medical Center Tao YU Lab
    sib Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Chinese Academic of Sciences Jian Yin Lab
    sid Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute Dong Lab, Duester Lab, Freeze Lab
    sih Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences Qing Jing Lab
    sir CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Parnaik Lab
    sj St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Clements Lab
    sjr CHU Sainte Justine Research Center Marín-Juez Lab, Moldovan Lab
    sk Skirball Institute Knaut Lab
    skk Sungkyunkwan University Ji Eun Lee Lab
    skt Skirball Institute Torres-Vázquez Lab
    sl St. Louis University School of Medicine Voigt Lab
    sm Southern Medical University Wenqing Lab
    smb Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, Norway Suster Lab
    sme Sidra Medicine Zebrafish Facility Sahar Da'as Lab
    smh St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto Montandon Lab, Xiao-Yan Wen Lab
    smw Semmelweis University Enyedi Lab
    snu Seoul National University Hyunsook Lee Lab
    sny State University of New York Amack Lab
    sou Shanghai Ocean University Bao Lab, Fan Lab, Liangbiao Chen Lab
    sq Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore David P. Lane Lab, Korzh Lab (closed down), Sudipto Roy Lab, Venkatesh Lab
    sr The Saban Research Institute Lien Lab
    st Stanford James Chen Lab, Nicolson Lab, Talbot Lab, Translational Genomics of Diabetes Lab
    stl Washington University School of Medicine Bagnall Lab, Colin G. Nichols Lab, Corbo Lab, Gurnett Lab, John Cooper Lab, Lila Solnica-Krezel lab, Mokalled Lab, Stratman Lab, Tony Tsai
    su Syracuse University Lewis Lab - Syracuse
    sud Saitama University Akinori Kawamura Lab, Tsuda Lab, Yamasu Lab
    sus Soochow University Chun-Feng Liu Lab, The Wang Laboratory
    sw University of Texas Southwestern Amatruda Lab, Elizabeth Chen Lab
    swu Southwestern University Huang&Ruan Lab
    syd University of Sydney, Centenary Institute Oehlers Lab
    syu Sun Yat-sen University Linjia Jiang Lab, Shengfeng Huang’s Lab in Sun Yat-sen University, Shulan Yang Lab, ShuYi Chen
    sz South University of Science and Technology of China Hanbing Zhong Lab, Wen Lab
    szu Shizuoka University Tokumoto Lab
    szy South China University of Technology Jin Xu Lab, Qiang Wang Lab, Yiyue ZHANG Lab
    t Tübingen Bonhoeffer Lab, Haffter Lab, Müller Lab, Nüsslein-Volhard Lab
    tbz University of Tübingen Philipp Lab
    tcb Turku Centre for Biotechnology, University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University Ivaska lab, Zebrafish Core
    tft Tufts University Yelick Laboratory
    tif Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Nair Lab, Sonawane Lab
    tju Tongji University Cao Lab
    tku Tamkang University YH Chen Lab
    tlv Tel Aviv University Gothilf Lab
    tmd Tokyo Medical and Dental University Nishina Lab
    tmu Taipei Medical University Chia-Hsiung Cheng Lab
    tpl Temple University Balciunas Lab Temple, Biemar Lab
    tpu Tampere University Rämet Lab
    tsu Tsinghua University Meng Lab
    tud Technical University of Dresden Biology of bone regeneration, Brand Lab, Ninov Lab
    tum Technical University Munich Godinho Lab, Mikael Simons Lab
    tup UC Davis School of Medicine Dennis Lab, Jao Lab
    two National Taiwan Ocean University Hong-Yi Gong Lab
    twu National Taiwan University Chang Lab, I-Hsuan Liu Lab, IJ Wang Lab, Liang-In Lin Lab, Shyh-Jye Lee Lab
    tyt Tokyo Institute of Technology A. Kawakami Lab, Nubuhiro Nakamura Lab, Tanaka Lab
    u University College London Bianco Lab, Jenkins Lab, Mongera Lab, Payne Lab, Rihel Lab, Steve Wilson Lab, Tada Lab, William D. Richardson Lab
    ua University of Alberta Allison Lab, Lehmann Lab, Pilgrim Lab, Waskiewicz Lab
    uaa University of Adelaide Lardelli Lab
    uab University of Alabama Birmingham Alexander Lab, Crowder Lab, Falany Lab, Parant Lab, Thyme Lab
    ub University of Bergen Fjose Lab, Fladmark Lab
    ubs Biozentrum der Uni Basel Affolter Lab, Salzburger Lab
    ubt Universitat Bayreuth Begemann Lab
    ubx University of Brescia, Italy Neurodegeneration and Iron Metabolism Group
    uc University of California - Davis Draper Laboratory, Sean Burgess Lab
    ucd University College Dublin Kennedy Lab
    ucl Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Escribano Martínez Lab, Physiology and Cell Dynamics
    ucm University of California Merced Ni Lab, Woo Lab
    ucs University of California San Fransisco Ahituv Lab
    ud DePaul University LeClair Lab
    udc Universidad de Chile Allende Lab
    udm Université de Montréal Ghislain Lab, Kibar Lab, Pierre Drapeau Lab, Samarut Lab
    ue University of Edinburgh Almeida Lab, Badrock Lab, Bhatia Lab, Catherina & Thomas Becker Lab, David Lyons Lab, E. Elizabeth Patton Lab, John Mullins Lab, Tim Czopka Lab
    uex University of Exeter Kudoh Lab, Ryu Lab, Santos Lab, Scholpp Lab, Tyler Lab
    uf University Hospital Freiburg Elisabeth Ott Lab, Kramer-Zucker Lab
    ufb Fundacao Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Brazil Marins Lab
    ug University of Geneva Bertrand Lab, Lydie Lane Lab, Marcos Gonzalez-Gaitán Laboratory, Neerman-Arbez Lab, Zebrafish Core Facility, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva
    uh University of Heidelberg Centanin Lab, Jochen Wittbrodt Lab
SFB 271 Junior Group
, Kroll Lab, Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Ophthalmology, Meder Lab
    uhd University Hospital Heidelberg Mechanisms of Cardiac Regeneration and Repair Lab
    uhm University of Heidelberg, Mannheim Dobreva Lab
    uhn University Health Network, Toronto General Research Institute J. Fish Lab
    ui University of Iowa Cornell Lab, Kenny Lab, Lin Lab, Slusarski Lab
    uic University of Illinois Ankur Saxena
    uio University of Oslo Esguerra Lab, Simonsen Lab
    uk Universität zu Köln (University of Cologne) Michel Lab
    uky University of Kentucky Famulski Lab, Galperin Lab, Morris Lab
    ul University of Lille Angrand Lab
    ula University of Lausanne Amati Lab, Larsch Lab
    ulb Universite Libre de Bruxelles Costagliola Lab, Laboratory of Neurovascular Signaling, Pirson Lab, Sumeet Singh Lab
    ulg University of Liege Laboratory of Zebrafish Development and Disease Models, Martial Lab
    ulm University of Ulm Just Lab, Rottbauer Lab, Weidinger Lab
    um University of Massachusetts Medical School Ceol Lab, Lawson Lab
    umb University of Massachusetts Boston Siegfried Lab
    umc University of Manchester Amaya Lab, Herbert Lab, Hurlstone Lab, Kasher Lab, Lennon Lab, Lowe Lab, Papalopulu Lab
    umd University of Maryland School of Medicine Bannister Laboratory (defunct), Zaghloul Lab
    umi University of Miami Julia Dallman Lab, University of Miami Zebrafish Facility
    umk University of Michigan, Kellogg Eye Center Bohnsack Lab, Kahana Lab
    umn University of Minnesota Lund Lab, Masino Lab
    umo University of Macau Kathy Qian Luo Lab, Wei Ge Lab
    ump University of Montpellier Genetics of Neural Development, Kissa Lab, Lutfalla Lab, Molecular Mechanisms in Neurodegenerative Diseases (MMDN) - U1198
    ums University of Murcia Mulero Lab
    umu Umeå University von Hofsten Lab
    umz University of Massachusetts Downes lab, Jensen Lab, Karlstrom Lab
    una Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Fernando Lopez Casillas Laboratory, Lomeli Lab, Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology
    unb University of new Brunswick Erickson Lab, Matrix Dynamic Lab
    unt University of North Texas Jag's Lab
    uob University of Birmingham Ferenc Müller Lab, Monteiro Lab
    uoi University of Idaho Mitchell Lab, Stenkamp Lab
    uol University of Leicester Norton Lab
    uom University of Melbourne Cox Lab, Hogan Lab, Jusuf Lab, Ruparelia Lab
    uot University of Toronto Bruce Lab, Thiele Lab, Tropepe Lab
    upo Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo, Universidad Pablo de Olavide Martinez-Morales Lab, Skarmeta Lab, Tena Lab
    upr University of Puerto Rico Behra Lab
    ups Université Paul Sabatier Blader Lab, Cavaille Lab, Soula Lab
    upv University of Pavia Forlino Lab
    uq University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Alpha Yap Lab, Jean Giacomotto Lab, Kelly Smith Lab, Parton Lab, Scott Lab
    urv University of Richmond Skromne Lab
    usc University of South Carolina Poulain Lab
    usk University of Saskatchewan Collins Lab, Eames Lab
    usm University Sains, Malaysia Alexander Chong Lab
    uss University of Sussex Baden Lab, Guthrie Lab, Lagnado Lab, Yoshimatsu Lab
    ut University of Texas at Austin Gray Lab
    ute University of Texas at El Paso Quintana Lab
    uth University of Texas Houston O'Brien Lab
    utm University of Texas MD Anderson Eisenhoffer Lab
    utn University of Trento Mione Lab
    uto University of Torino Santoro Lab
    utz University of Texas Marine Science Institute Peter Thomas Lab
    uu Uppsala University Zebrafish Facility Betsholtz Lab, Boije Lab, Haitina Lab, Lymphatics lab, Uppsala University Zebrafish Facility, Regional SciLifeLab Facility, Villablanca Lab
    uua Utrecht University Aquarium Bogerd Lab, Schulz Lab
    uv Universidad de Valparaiso Whitlock Lab
    uva University of Virginia Kucenas Lab
    uvm University of Vermont Ebert Lab
    uw University of Wisconsin-Madison Grinblat Lab, Halloran Lab, Heideman Lab, Pelegri Lab, Taylor Lab
    uwd University of Wisconsin-Madison Drerup Lab
    uwk University of Wisconsin -Madison Kang Lab
    uwm University of Wisconsin-Madison Huttenlocher Lab
    uy University of Yamanashi Kawahara Lab
    v Wesleyan University Devoto Lab
    va University of Virginia School of Medicine Thisse's Lab, Wythe Lab
    vbc Vienna BioCenter Pauli Lab
    vc Virginia Commonwealth University Lister Lab, Walsh Lab
    vcc Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute Emily Wong Lab, Fatkin Lab, Kazu Kikuchi Lab
    vi Children's Cancer Research Institute Distel Lab
    vln Vilnius University Balciunas Lab Vilnius
    vmc Vanderbilt University Medical Center Knapik Lab
    vo OHSU Oregon Hearing and Research Center and Vollum Institute Monk Lab
    vp University of Virginia Parichy Lab
    vt Virginia Tech Pan Lab
    vu Vanderbilt University Chen Lab, Cone Lab, Ess Lab, Gamse Lab, James G. Patton Lab, Jessen Lab, Lila Solnica-Krezel Lab - Vanderbilt University, Mchaourab Laboratory, Mortlock Lab, Roden Lab, Skaar Lab, Wente Lab, Zhong Lab
    vum VU University Medical Center Van der Sar Lab
    w University of Washington Brockerhoff Lab, David Raible Lab, Gallagher Lab, Hurley Lab, Kimelman Lab, Kwon Lab, Randall Moon Lab, Wordeman Lab
    wa Waseda University Ohshima Lab
    waw International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IIMCB) Bochtler Lab, Laboratory of Cell Biology (Miaczynska Laboratory), Laboratory of Neurodegeneration (Kuznicki Laboratory), Laboratory of Zebrafish Developmental Genomics
    wcm Weill Cornell Medical College Cao Lab Weill Cornell Medical College, Evans Lab, Yariv Houvras Laboratory
    wh Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Hahn Lab, Stegeman Lab
    whu Wuhan University Fang Zheng Lab, Hudan Liu Lab, Rongjia Zhou Lab, Ruilin Zhang Lab
    wi Whitehead Institute Hazel Sive Lab
    win Winona State University Hines Neural Development Lab
    wk Wonkwang University School of Medicine Choe Lab
    wmr Rice University Uribe Lab
    wmu Wenzhou Medical University Xi Li Lab
    wp University of Washington
    ws Warwick Medical School Sampath Lab
    wsu Wayne State University Thummel Lab
    wsz Washington State University, Pullman Shelden Lab
    wue Universität Würzburg Gerull Lab, Klopocki Lab, Neurodevelopment and disease mechanisms
    wv Washington State University, Vancouver Coffin Lab, Cooper Lab
    wvz West Virginia University Bergeron Lab, Horstick Lab
    wz Weizmann Institute of Science Gur Lab, Levkowitz Lab, Yaniv Lab
    x Texas A&M Riley Lab
    xmu Xiamen University Mingyu Li Lab, Shi-Xi Chen Lab, Zhenghong Lab
    xt Duke University, Center for AIDS Research Tobin Lab
    xu Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Xu Lab
    xz University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston The Zhao Laboratory
    y NICHD/NIH Chitnis Lab, Dawid Lab, Feldman Lab, Harold Burgess Lab, Porter Lab, Rogers Lab, Unit on Developmental Signaling, Sargent Lab, Weinstein Lab
    ya Yale University Giraldez Lab, Hoffman Lab, Holley Lab, Nicoli Lab, Zenisek Lab, Zhaoxia Sun lab
    yku York University Zoidl Lab
    ym National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan Her Lab, Tsay Lab
    ync Yale-NUS College Mathuru Lab
    yo University of York Pownall Lab
    yu Yonsei University Seung Park Lab
    yzu Yangzhou University Chengyi Song Lab
    z University of Utah Elde Lab, Evason Lab, Grunwald Lab, Jurynec Lab, Kwan Lab, Schlegel Lab, Trede Lab
    zc University of Utah Bonkowsky Lab, Chien Lab
    zd University of Utah Cicely Jette Lab, Dorsky Lab, Douglass Lab, Rodney Stewart Lab
    zdf Dana-Farber Cancer Institute A. Thomas Look Lab
    ze ZeClinics ZeClinics, ZECLINICS
    zf Zebrafish Model Organism Database ZFIN Database Team
    zh ETH Zürich/University of Zürich Bachmann Lab, Devuyst Lab, Neuhauss Lab, Pantazis Lab, Peri Lab
    zj University of Utah Gagnon Lab, Roh-Johnson Lab
    zju Zhejiang University Caiyong Chen Lab, Fudi Wang Lab, Jinrong Peng Lab, Jun Chen Lab, Shao Lab, Zou Lab
    zk National Cancer Center, Korea Young Ki-Bae Lab
    zko China Zebrafish Resource Center (CZRC) China Zebrafish Resource Center (CZRC)
    zm Znomics Znomics, Inc.
    zn Zygogen Zygogen Research Department
    zou University of Missouri Chandrasekhar Lab
    zp Children's Hospital, Boston Keating Lab
    zps TEFOR Paris-Saclay TEFOR Paris-Saclay
    zu UMC Utrecht Koeleman Lab
    zy University of Utah Yost Lab