ZFIN ID: ZDB-LAB-220929-3
Barakat Lab
PI/Director: Barakat, Stefan
Contact Person: Sanderson, Leslie
Email: t.barakat@erasmusmc.nl
URL: https://www.erasmusmc.nl/en/sophia/research/researchers/barakat-stefan
Address: Department of Clinical Genetics Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam Doctor Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD Rotterdam, office EE987b The Netherlands
Country: Netherlands
Line Designation: re

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Our lab studies the role of the non-coding genome in gene regulation, with a focus on neurodevelopment and neurogenetic disease. As many genetic disorders of brain development cannot at present be explained by routine genetic diagnostics, we anticipate that many of these disorders are caused by alterations of non-coding elements, including enhancers. We aim to decipher the contribution of the non-coding genome to brain disorders, ultimately working towards the development of novel diagnostic tools and therapeutic strategies for patients.

Sanderson, Leslie Post-Doc Lor-Zade, Sarah Graduate Student Salsench, Eva Graduate Student

Deng, R., Medico-Salsench, E., Nikoncuk, A., Ramakrishnan, R., Lanko, K., Kühn, N.A., van der Linde, H.C., Lor-Zade, S., Albuainain, F., Shi, Y., Yousefi, S., Capo, I., van den Herik, E.M., van Slegtenhorst, M., van Minkelen, R., Geeven, G., Mulder, M.T., Ruijter, G.J.G., Lütjohann, D., Jacobs, E.H., Houlden, H., Pagnamenta, A.T., Metcalfe, K., Jackson, A., Banka, S., De Simone, L., Schwaede, A., Kuntz, N., Palculict, T.B., Abbas, S., Umair, M., AlMuhaizea, M., Colak, D., AlQudairy, H., Alsagob, M., Pereira, C., Trunzo, R., Karageorgou, V., Bertoli-Avella, A.M., Bauer, P., Bouman, A., Hoefsloot, L.H., van Ham, T.J., Issa, M., Zaki, M.S., Gleeson, J.G., Willemsen, R., Kaya, N., Arold, S.T., Maroofian, R., Sanderson, L.E., Barakat, T.S. (2023) AMFR dysfunction causes autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia in human that is amenable to statin treatment in a preclinical model. Acta Neuropathologica. 146(2):353-368
Martin, M., Vermeiren, S., Bostaille, N., Eubelen, M., Spitzer, D., Vermeersch, M., Profaci, C.P., Pozuelo, E., Toussay, X., Raman-Nair, J., Tebabi, P., America, M., De Groote, A., Sanderson, L.E., Cabochette, P., Germano, R.F.V., Torres, D., Boutry, S., de Kerchove d'Exaerde, A., Bellefroid, E.J., Phoenix, T.N., Devraj, K., Lacoste, B., Daneman, R., Liebner, S., Vanhollebeke, B. (2022) Engineered Wnt ligands enable blood-brain barrier repair in neurological disorders. Science (New York, N.Y.). 375:eabm4459
Yousefi, S., Deng, R., Lanko, K., Salsench, E.M., Nikoncuk, A., van der Linde, H.C., Perenthaler, E., van Ham, T.J., Mulugeta, E., Barakat, T.S. (2021) Comprehensive multi-omics integration identifies differentially active enhancers during human brain development with clinical relevance. Genome Medicine. 13:162