Figure Gallery

Expression Pattern Search Results
(473 genes with expression)
Gene Expression Data Stage Range
adamts10 FIGURE 1 from Wareham et al., 2022 with image Adult
adarb1a Fig. 1 from Li et al., 2014 with image Protruding-mouth
adcyap1a Fig. 5 from Castro et al., 2009 Adult
agrn 2 Figures from 2 Publications Long-pec
ahi1 2 Figures from 2 Publications Prim-25 to Day 5
als2a text only from Laboissonniere et al., 2018 Day 4
als2b text only from Laboissonniere et al., 2018 Day 4
anos1a 2 Figures from 2 Publications with image High-pec to Long-pec
apc Fig. 1 from Paridaen et al., 2009 with image Long-pec
apoeb 3 Figures from 3 Publications with image Long-pec to Adult
ar Fig. 2 from Gorelick et al., 2008 with image Day 5
arhgap1 2 Figures from Thisse et al., 2004 with image High-pec to Day 5
arhgef2a Fig. 5 from Thisse et al., 2001 with image High-pec to Long-pec
arl6ip1 Fig. 1 from Huang et al., 2009 with image Day 4
asic1a Fig. 2 from Liu et al., 2014 Day 4 to Day 5
asic2 2 Figures from ViƱa et al., 2015 Adult
atp1b3a Fig. 10 from Appel et al., 1996 Protruding-mouth
atp6v1h Fig. 6 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image High-pec to Long-pec
barhl2 5 Figures from 3 Publications with image Prim-25 to Pec-fin
bdnf Fig. 4 from Hashimoto et al., 1997 Day 4
bhlhe22 Fig. 4 from Hortopan et al., 2011 with image Protruding-mouth
bhlhe23 2 Figures from Thisse et al., 2004 with image High-pec to Day 5
bnc2 Fig. 6 from Lang et al., 2009 with image Days 21-29
bves Fig. 1 from Wu et al., 2014 Day 4 to Adult
cabp1a Fig. 7 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image Day 5
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