Figure Gallery

Expression Pattern Search Results
(3565 genes with expression)
Gene Expression Data Stage Range
sema3fa Fig. 4 from Callander et al., 2007 with image Protruding-mouth
sema4d Fig. 1 from Yang et al., 2013 Adult
sema6a Fig. 5 from Ebert et al., 2014 with image 10-13 somites
sema6ba Fig. 3 from Ebert et al., 2012 with image Protruding-mouth
sema6bb Table S1 from Newman et al., 2019 Adult
senp6a Table S1 from Newman et al., 2019 Adult
septin6 Fig. 2 from Zhai et al., 2014 Prim-15 to Long-pec
septin7a 2 Figures from Rauch et al., 2003 with image Prim-25 to Long-pec
septin15 2 Figures from 2 Publications with image 14-19 somites to Day 4
serinc1 Table S1 from Newman et al., 2019 Adult
serpine3 Fig 3 from Indrischek et al., 2022 with image Adult
sesn1 2 Figures from Thisse et al., 2004 with image High-pec to Day 5
sesn3 Fig. S11 from Johnson et al., 2015 Protruding-mouth to Day 4
seta Fig. 2 from Serifi et al., 2016 Prim-5
setb 4 Figures from 2 Publications with image Prim-5 to Protruding-mouth
setd1ba Fig. 1 from Labonne et al., 2016 Long-pec
sez6l2 Fig. S1 from Blaker-Lee et al., 2012 with image Prim-5
sf3b1 Fig. 6 from An et al., 2012 with image 20-25 somites to Prim-5
sf3b2 Fig. 6 from Rauch et al., 2003 with image 14-19 somites
sfpq 2 Figures from Lowery et al., 2007 with image Prim-5 to Adult
sfxn3 Table S1 from Newman et al., 2019 Adult
sgcd text only from Vogel et al., 2009 Long-pec
sgpl1 Fig. 2 from Mendelson et al., 2013 Adult
sgpp1b Fig. 2 from Mendelson et al., 2013 Adult
sh3bp5a Table S1 from Newman et al., 2019 Adult

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