Fig. 3

Gomez et al., 2012 - Identification of Vascular and Hematopoietic Genes Downstream of etsrp by Deep Sequencing in Zebrafish
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Fig. 3

Genes with expression in vascular endothelial cells.

The following genes are restricted to the vasculature and are expressed in the cranial vasculature, dorsal aorta, caudal hemtopoietic tail region, posterior cardinal vein, and intersegmental vessels: (E) cd93; (F) gpr183; (S) tmem88a; (AF2) hmha1, while the following are expressed in the same structures but exclude the posterior cardinal vein: (A) lyg2 is also expressed in the posterior yolk extension; (AC2) tagap; (AK2) si:ch211-250g4.3. These genes are expressed in the cranial vasculature, dorsal aorta, caudal hematopoietic tail region, posterior cardinal vein and other tissues as noted: (B) cdc42gap1, is also expressed in the hypochord, hatching gland, and sparsely in spinal cord; (D) klhl4 is also expressed in the heart, intersegmental vessels, and epiphysis; (G) xirp2a is also expressed in the heart, somite boundaries and pronephric duct; (N) rgl2, is also expressed in the intersegmental vessels, forebrain and primitive erythorcytes; (AA2) myof is also expressed in the fin fold, and tailbud; (AM2) arhgap27 is also expressed in the intersegmental vessels, otic vesicles, pronephric duct, and hatching gland. The following genes are expressed in the cranial vasculature, dorsal aorta, caudal hematopoietic tail region, and intersegmental vessels as well as (C) spa17, the olfactory bulb, epiphysis, otoliths, pronephric duct, and caudal notocord; (H) rassf4 was not detected in the intersegmental vessels but is observed in the forebrain, floor plate of neural tube, and spinal cord neurons; (I) tmem119b is also expressed in spinal cord, and tailbud; (AJ2) aff3 is also expressed in the forebrain, spinal cord, and caudal notocord. (AD2) fhl3 is expressed in the cranial vasculature, posterior cardinal vein, caudal vein, fin fold, lateral line primordium, and lightly in caudal somites. (AL2) acsbg2 is expressed in the posterior cardinal vein, caudal vein, spinal cord neurons, optic stalk, forebrain, and midbrain-hindbrain boundary. The following genes have basal levels of ubiquitous expression with prominent labeling of the cranial vasculature, dorsal aorta, caudal hematopoietic tail region and other structures and tissues where indicated: (J) myl9 is also expressed in the floor plate; (K) cntn4, is also expressed in the intersegmental vessels, olfactory bulb, and spinal cord neurons; (L) myo1f is also expressed in primitive myeloid cells; (M) iclp2, also has slight expression in anterior intersegmental vessels; (Q) dgki; (R) ifit5-like; (U) samd10 is also expressed in the caudal somites, and neurons of the anterior spinal cord; (V) cald1 is also expressed in the intersegmental vessels and pronephric duct; (X) zgc:171494 is also expressed in the floor plate, and pronephric duct; (Y) ankdd1a is also expressed in the spinal cord neurons; (Z) sh3bp4 is also expressed in the posterior cardinal vein, and intersegmental vessels; (AB2) grtp1b is also expressed in the posterior cardinal vein; (AE2) irf9; (AG2) ankrd58; (AH2) ccdc135 is also expressed in the posterior cardinal vein, pronephric duct, posterior neural tube, and slightly in the hatching gland; (AI2) tmem151a is also expressed in the posterior cardinal vein, spinal cord neurons and intersegmental vessels (see Figure S1AI2). Basal ubiquitous expression with darker staining of the dorsal aorta and caudal hematopoietic tail region is noted in: (O) capn8 which includes expression in the forebrain, hatching gland, and lateral line primordium; (P) mhc1uea; (T) rasa4 is also expressed in the yolk extension; (W) sept5b is also expressed in the forebrain and somites. Embryos are positioned laterally with the anterior facing left. Abbreviations: cht, caudal hematopoietic tail region; cn, caudal notochord; cs, caudal somites; cv, cranial vasculature; da, dorsal aorta; e, epiphysis; ff, fin fold; fp, floor plate; h, heart; hg, hatching gland; isv, intersegmental vessels; llp, lateral line primordium; mhb, midbrain hindbrain boundary; o, otoliths; ob, olfactory bulb; os, optic stalk; ov, otic vesicle; pd, pronephric duct; pe, primitive erythroid cells; pm, primitive myeloid cells; py, posterior yolk extension; sb, somite boundaries; sc, spinal cord; scn, spinal cord neurons; ss, somites; tb, tailbud; ye, yolk extension. Scale bar: 250 μm.

Expression Data
Genes: (all 38)
Anatomical Terms: (all 30)
Stage: Prim-5

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