Fig. 10

Flasse et al., 2013 - Ascl1b and Neurod1, instead of Neurog3, control pancreatic endocrine cell fate in zebrafish
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Fig. 10

Endocrine cell differentiation is abolished in the double ascl1b and neurod1 morphants. Ventral views of WISH showing expression of insulin(A-B, I-J), somatostatin(C-D), ghrelin(E-F) and glucagon(G-H) in control (A,C,E,G,I) and Mo-ascl1b/Mo2-neurod1(B,D,F,H,J) morphants at 38 hpf (A-H) or 17 hpf (I-J). The quantifications on the right side of the figure represent the number of positive cells per embryo for controls and double ascl1b/neurod1 morphants. Asterisks (***) indicate that the difference between cell number in controls and double ascl1b/neurod1 morphants is statistically significant by Student?s t-test (P <0.001). hpf, hours post fertilization; WISH, whole-mount in situ hybridization.

Expression Data
Knockdown Reagents:
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: 14-19 somites to Prim-25

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Knockdown Reagents:
Observed In:
Stage: Prim-25

Phenotype Detail
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