Detection of mych transcripts by in situ hybridization. A. Dorsal view of 8-cell stage embryo. B. Double staining of mych (blue) and gsc (red) at the shield stage; arrowhead points to the shield. C-C′. Lateral (C) and anterior dorsal (C′) views of 80% epiboly stage. Red asterisk points to the anterior-dorsal area shown in C′. D?I. 3-somite stage embryos. D. Dynamic expression of mych in the anterior brain region. E-E′. Double staining with mab21l2 (red) as a marker for eye and midbrain. F-F′. Double staining with dmbx1a (red) as marker for eye field and midbrain; red arrowhead indicates eye field. G,G′. Co-expression with ctsl1b (red), marking the prechordal plate. H-H′. Dorsal view of HuC-positive neuronal cells (red) and mych staining (blue) in wild type (H) and the mibta52b mutant (H′). I. Rhombomeres 3 and 5 are marked by egr2b (red), while mych stains the anterior part of rhombomere 4. J?K. Dorsal views of 10-somite stage embryo showing mych expression in the eye and midbrain (J) and in trunk somites (K). L. Lateral view of mych expression in the brain and pharyngeal system at 24hpf; mandibular (m), hyoid (h), and branchial (b) arches are indicated. M. Expression of mych in the eye at the 36hpf. Arrowhead points to presumptive photoreceptor cell layer. N. mych expression in the heart and intestine (int; magnified in O) at 72hpf. P?Q. Co-expression with foxd3 (red) at the 4-somite stage. The yellow open square area in P is shown as a section in Q. R?S. Pharyngeal arch marker dlx2a (red in S) is co-expressed with mych at 32hpf. b, branchial arch; e, eye; h, hyoid arch; ht, heart; int, intestine; le, lens; m, mandibular arch; mi, midbrain; ov, otic vesicle; pp, prechordal plate; r, rhombomere; s, somite.