Figure Gallery

Expression Pattern Search Results
(3565 genes with expression)
Gene Expression Data Stage Range
dhfr Fig. 7 from Kao et al., 2008 Adult
dhrs7 Table S1 from Newman et al., 2019 Adult
dhrs12la 2 Figures from 2 Publications with image Adult
dhx8 Fig. 4 from English et al., 2012 with image 14-19 somites to Long-pec
dhx15 Fig. 1 from McElderry et al., 2019 Prim-5 to Protruding-mouth
dicer1 2 Figures from 2 Publications with image Prim-15 to Adult
dio1 2 Figures from 2 Publications Long-pec to Adult
dio2 2 Figures from 2 Publications Adult
dio3a 2 Figures from 2 Publications with image Prim-5 to Adult
dio3b 2 Figures from 2 Publications Long-pec to Adult
diras1a Fig. 1 from Yeh et al., 2016 with image Prim-5 to Protruding-mouth
diras1b Fig. 1 from Yeh et al., 2016 with image Prim-5
disc1 Fig. 1 from Wood et al., 2009 Prim-5 to Long-pec
dkk1b Fig. 2 from Xie et al., 2017 with image Protruding-mouth
dla 7 Figures from 4 Publications with image 26+ somites to Adult
dlb Fig. 4 from Haddon et al., 1998 with image Prim-5
dlc 2 Figures from 2 Publications with image Prim-5 to Long-pec
dld 3 Figures from 2 Publications with image Prim-5 to Day 5
dlgap2b Table S1 from Newman et al., 2019 Adult
dll4 Figure 4 from Zhang et al., 2019 with image Prim-5
dlst 2 Figures from 2 Publications with image Protruding-mouth to Adult
dlx1a Fig. S6 from Webb et al., 2009 with image Adult
dlx2a 9 Figures from 7 Publications with image 26+ somites to Long-pec
dlx5a 2 Figures from 2 Publications with image Long-pec to Protruding-mouth
dlx6a 2 Figures from 2 Publications with image Prim-5 to Protruding-mouth

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