Figure Gallery

Expression Pattern Search Results
(337 genes with expression)
Gene Expression Data Stage Range
notum1a Fig. 1 from Flowers et al., 2012 with image Bud to
nr2f6b Fig. 2 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image to 10-13 somites
nr4a1 Fig. 2 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image to 10-13 somites
ntd5 Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image 50%-epiboly to
nucb2a Fig. 2 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image to 10-13 somites
nudt9 Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2001 with image 50%-epiboly to
olig4 Fig. 4 from Tiso et al., 2009 90%-epiboly
optc 2 Figures from Rauch et al., 2003 with image Bud to 5-9 somites
ostc Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image 50%-epiboly to
otx1 Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2001 with image 50%-epiboly to
otx2a Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2005 with image 50%-epiboly to
p3h3 Fig. 2 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image to 10-13 somites
p4ha2 2 Figures from Thisse et al., 2004 with image 50%-epiboly to 10-13 somites
pacrg Fig. 2 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image to 10-13 somites
pacsin2 Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image 50%-epiboly to
pak2a Fig. 2 from Thisse et al., 2001 with image to 10-13 somites
pald1a Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2001 with image 50%-epiboly to
papss2b Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2001 with image 50%-epiboly to
pard6gb Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2005 with image 50%-epiboly to
parp3 Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image 50%-epiboly to
pax6b Fig. 2 from Hartnett et al., 2010 with image Bud to
pcdh18a Fig. 2 from Aamar et al., 2008 with image Bud to
pdap1b Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image 50%-epiboly to
pdia3 Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2001 with image 50%-epiboly to
pdia6 Fig. 1 from Thisse et al., 2004 with image 50%-epiboly to

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