Figure 2—figure supplement 1.

HE cells are not polarized at 30 hpf.

Tg(Kdrl:Gal4;UAS:RFP;4xNR:eGFP-podxl2) 30 hpf embryo imaged using spinning disk confocal microscopy. Top 2 panels: green (eGFP-podxl2) and red (soluble RFP, in magenta) channels. White arrows point at 2 individual EHT cells. Note that HE cell 1 protrudes long filopodia, some of which inside the aortic lumen (live imaging shows that they are moving along the blood flow, data not shown). Bottom 2 panels: 1.625 X magnification of EHT cell 1 and 2 in top panels. Green channel (eGFP-podxl2) only. Green arrows point at very large intracellular vesicles, the largest reaching approximately 30 µm. Asterisks mark the cytoplasm. Scale bar = 100 µm.

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