Figure 1—figure supplement 3.

EHT pol+ and EHT pol- cells express eGFP driven by the CD41 promotor.

Single z-plane of a 55 hpf Tg(Kdrl:mKate2-podxl2;CD41:eGFP) embryo imaged using spinning disk confocal microscopy, in the trunk region. Top panel, left box (with 2 X magnification beneath): 2 EHT pol+ cells with EHT cell 1 more advanced in its emergence than EHT cell 2; mKate2-podxl2 expressed by EHT cell 1 is enriched at the apical pole of the cell, facing the aortic lumen (as is the case for eGFP-podxl2, see Figure 1C). Top panel, right box (with ×2 magnification beneath): 3 EHT pol- cells with mKate2-podxl2 localized relatively homogenously between luminal and abluminal membranes. All EHT pol+ and EHT pol- cells express cytosolic eGFP, as seen in top and bottom panels (2 channels images). Note that it is also the case for the he cell (hemogenic cell) in the aortic floor, in the middle of the image, top panel. Scale bar = 10 µm.

Expression Data

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Antibody Labeling
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