Figure 5—figure supplement 2.

JAM2a and JAM3b expression and localization in diverse embryonic tissues.

Localization of transiently expressed eGFP-Jam2a (A–D) and eGFP-Jam3b (E–G) in 52 hpf embryos, using spinning disk confocal microscopy. Plasmid constructs were expressed under the control of the heat shock Hsp70 promoter. For both constructs, expression was induced approximately 6 hr before imaging, by 1 hr balneation in 39 °C embryo medium. All images are maximum z-projections. (A, E) Ependymal cells. White and red arrows point at reinforcement of eGFP-Jam2a and eGFP-Jam3b at apical intercellular junctions and at basolateral membranes, respectively. (B) Pronephric tubule cells. White arrows point at the reinforcement of the eGFP-Jam2a signal at apical sides of membranes of polarized cells constituting pronephric tubules. The red arrow points at baso-lateral localization of eGFP-Jam2a. (C, F) Skin epithelial cells. White arrows point at the localization of eGFP-Jam2a and eGFP-Jam3b at lateral junctional interfaces between two neighboring cells. Red arrows point at tri-cellular junctions at which the density of eGFP-Jam2a and eGFP-Jam3b is reinforced. (D) Skin epithelial cells. White arrows point at membrane protrusions. (G) Striated muscle cells. Red arrows point at T-tubules (invagination of the sarcolemmal membranes); white arrows point at the plasma membranes of myofibrils. Scale bars = 20 µm.

Expression Data

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