Effect of ndrg4 knock-down on cardiac gene expression. At 24 hpf and at 33 hpf heart tube, no alternation was detected in cmlc2 (A, B, E, F), tbx5 (C, D) or nppa (G, H) expression level between wild-type (A, C, E, G) and ndrg4 morphants (B, D, F, H) with whole mount in situ hybridization. Note normal jogging out in the heart of morphants. At 48 hpf heart, no change was observed in vmhc (I, J), cmlc2 (M, N), amhc (Q, R) and nppa (K, L) expression level between wild-type (I, K, M, O, Q, S) and ndrg4 morphant (J, L, N, P, R, T). nppa and cmlc2 are expressed throughout the heart, vmhc is expressed in the ventricle and amhc is expressed in the atrium. Note the unlooped heart of ndrg4 morphant (N). At 48 hpf, versican is expressed at the boundary of the atrium and the ventricle (arrow) in wild type embryos (O), but is expressed throughout ndrg4 morphrant hearts (P). bmp4 expression is also prominent in the myocardial region of AV junction (between the arrows) in 48 hpf wild type zebrafish embryos (S), whereas ndrg4-MO2 injection resulted in strong ectopic expression of bmp4, especially in the ventricular region (T, arrowhead). (A, B) Dorsal views with head towards the top; (C?H), Lateral views with anterior towards the left; (I?T), frontal views with anterior towards the top.