- Title
A novel cis-regulatory element drives early expression of Nkx3.2 in the gnathostome primary jaw joint
- Authors
- Leyhr, J., Waldmann, L., Filipek-Górniok, B., Zhang, H., Allalou, A., Haitina, T.
- Source
- Full text @ Elife
Gene synteny around Nkx3.2 is well conserved in vertebrate genomes. |
Multiple sequence alignment, genome coordinates, and percent identity matrix of the jaw joint regulatory sequence 1 (JRS1) conserved core. Asterisks mark sites in the alignment conserved in 6/6 species, dots mark sites conserved in ≥4/6 species. |
Schematic view of the transcription factor binding at JRS1 in E11.5 mouse BA1 and BA2, determined by ChIP-seq assays performed by These data were obtained from the publicly available supplementary information of |
A conserved non-coding element, jaw joint regulatory sequence 1 (JRS1), identified using mVISTA and MEME. |
Jaw joint regulatory sequence 1 (JRS1) is absent in most acanthopterygian fish. |
Zebrafish jaw joint regulatory sequence 1 (JRS1) enhancer drives mCherry reporter gene expression in jaw joint-forming chondroprogenitor cells and partly overlaps with sox10:egfp expressing cells. |
Functional conservation of the jaw joint regulatory sequence 1 (JRS1) enhancer within tested gnathostome species. |
Homozygous jaw joint regulatory sequence 1 (JRS1) enhancer deletion results in early jaw joint dysmorphology. |
Alignment of wild-type and uu3731 jaw joint regulatory sequence 1 (JRS1) deletion alleles with annotated MEME motifs, primers, and CRISPR gRNA targets. |
Geometric morphometric analysis of jaw joint regulatory sequence 1 (JRS1) deletion phenotypes at 9 dpf. |
Optical projection tomography of 9 dpf jaw joint regulatory sequence 1 (JRS1) deletion zebrafish. |
Graphical summary of this study. |