Figure 6
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- ZDB-FIG-221119-15
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- Leyhr et al., 2022 - A novel cis-regulatory element drives early expression of Nkx3.2 in the gnathostome primary jaw joint
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Homozygous jaw joint regulatory sequence 1 (JRS1) enhancer deletion results in early jaw joint dysmorphology. (A) Schematic of the JRS1 deletion allele generation. (B?J) Alcian blue and alizarin red-stained jaw joints of representative wild-type, nkx3.2+/?JRS1, and nkx3.2?JRS1/?JRS1 zebrafish at 5, 14, and 30 dpf. Phenotypes are quantified in the top right of each panel. Standard lengths (mm) are given for 14 and 30 dpf juveniles. White arrowhead marks the partial fusion between Meckel?s cartilage (m) and the palatoquadrate (pq). Grey arrowheads indicate the rounded, non-bulbous anteroposterior process of Meckel?s cartilage. Black arrowheads mark the reduced retroarticular process (ra). Asterisks mark the ossifying retroarticular bone. Scale bars: 25 µm. (K?N) Representative embryos following in situ hybridization staining for nkx3.2 in the ventral craniofacial region at 48 and 56 hpf. Arrows indicate the reduced expression in the jaw joint domains in nkx3.2?JRS1/?JRS1 embryos. (O) nkx3.2 expression levels at 48 and 56 hpf in wild-type and nkx3.2+/?JRS1 versus nkx3.2?JRS1/?JRS1 zebrafish embryos, measured as pixel intensity of individual jaw joint expression domains in in situ stained embryos (N = 16, 18, 18, 17, respectively). (P) Relative whole-body nkx3.2 expression levels at 6 dpf in wild-type, nkx3.2+/?JRS1, and nkx3.2?JRS1/?JRS1 zebrafish, determined by qPCR. NS. denotes p > 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Error bars represent mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). Figure 6?source data 1Relative pixel intensity values obtained from in situ images of nkx3.2 expression in zebrafish at 48 and 56 hpf, and statistical analyses. Figure 6?source data 2qPCR raw values. |
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Stage Range: | Long-pec to Day 6 |
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Stage Range: | Long-pec to Days 30-44 |