Transgenic Construct


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Gutierrez, et al. used this construct, which uses mitfa under the control of its own promoter, along with the construct Tg(rag2:MYC-ERT2) as a marker when injected into mitfa deficient w2 embryos. The transgenic line produced with both of these markers is zdf14Tg.
Plasmid Map
Genomic Features
That Utilize Tg(mitfa:mitfa) Construct
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
That Utilize Tg(mitfa:mitfa) Construct
Fish Affected Genomic Regions Phenotype Gene Expression
arid1aazdf43/+; zdf16Tg Fig. 1 from Shi et al., 2020
arid1aazdf43/zdf43; zdf16Tg Fig. 1 from Shi et al., 2020
arid1abzdf44/+; arid1aazdf43/+; zdf16Tg 2 figures from Shi et al., 2020
arid1abzdf44/+; zdf16Tg Fig. 1 from Shi et al., 2020
bu10Tg; cz2Tg; zdf14Tg
Fig. 1 with image from Zhou et al., 2020
bu10Tg; zdf14Tg
Fig. 2 with image from Zhou et al., 2020
bu12Tg; cz2Tg; zdf14Tg
Fig. 1 with image from Zhou et al., 2020
bu3Tg; fcc89Tg
Fig. 4 with image from Liu et al., 2017
cmg124Tg; zdf16Tg
Fig. 3 with image from Nunes et al., 2022
cz1Tg; zdf14Tg
Fig. 1 from Gutierrez et al., 2011
cz1Tg; zdf14Tg; zdf7Tg
Fig. 1 from Gutierrez et al., 2011
cz2Tg; zdf14Tg
6 figures with image from 4 publications 4 figures with image from 3 publications
fcc90Tg; zdf14Tg
Figure 1 with image from Park et al., 2020
fcc97Tg; zdf14Tg
Figure 1 with image from Park et al., 2020
gas7amn71/+; zdf16Tg/+ 2 figures from Dong et al., 2021
gas7amn71/mn71; zdf16Tg/+ 2 figures from Dong et al., 2021
mitfaunspecified/unspecified; cz2Tg; zdf14Tg (WIK)
mitfaunspecified/unspecified; zdf14Tg
mitfaw2/w2; zdf14Tg/+; zdf7Tg/+ Fig. 1 from Gutierrez et al., 2014 Fig. 1 from Gutierrez et al., 2014
nf1ap301/+; nf1bp304/+; zdf16Tg Fig. 2 with image from He et al., 2016
nf1ap301/+; nf1bp304/p304; zdf16Tg Fig. 2 with image from He et al., 2016
nf1ap301/+; zdf16Tg 4 figures with image from He et al., 2016 Fig. 4 with image from He et al., 2016
nf1ap301/p301; nf1bp304/+; zdf16Tg Fig. 2 with image from He et al., 2016
nf1ap301/p301; zdf16Tg 6 figures with image from He et al., 2016 3 figures with image from He et al., 2016
nf1ap301/p301; zdf16Tg; zdf22Tg Fig. 1 with image from He et al., 2016
nf1ap301/p301; zdf16Tg; zdf23Tg Fig. 7 with image from He et al., 2016
nf1ap301/p301; zdf16Tg; zdf24Tg Fig. 7 with image from He et al., 2016
nf1bp304/+; zdf16Tg Fig. 2 with image from He et al., 2016
nf1bp304/p304; zdf16Tg Fig. 2 with image from He et al., 2016
ptenahu1864/+; ptenbhu1435/+; zdf14Tg; zdf8Tg Fig. 4 from Gutierrez et al., 2011
ptenahu1864/hu1864; ptenbhu1435/hu1435; zdf14Tg; zdf8Tg Fig. 4 from Gutierrez et al., 2011
tp53zdf1/+; zdf14Tg; zdf8Tg Fig. 3 from Gutierrez et al., 2014
tp53zdf1/zdf1; zdf14Tg; zdf8Tg 2 figures from Gutierrez et al., 2014 Fig. 4 from Gutierrez et al., 2014
utp25hi429Tg/+; zdf16Tg (AB) Fig. S2 from Tao et al., 2017
zdf14Tg; zdf7Tg
Fig. 1 from Gutierrez et al., 2011
zdf14Tg; zdf7Tg; zdf9Tg
Fig. 2 from Gutierrez et al., 2011
zdf14Tg; zdf8Tg
2 figures from Gutierrez et al., 2014 Fig. 4 from Gutierrez et al., 2014
zdf14Tg; zdf9Tg
Fig. 3 from Huiting et al., 2018
zdf15Tg; zdf16Tg
2 figures from 2 publications
14 figures with image from 8 publications 5 figures with image from 3 publications
zdf16Tg (AB)
6 figures with image from 3 publications 10 figures with image from 3 publications
Fig. 6 from Dubiella et al., 2021 Fig. 6 from Dubiella et al., 2021
zdf16Tg; zdf17Tg (AB)
Fig. 4 with image from Zhu et al., 2012 2 figures with image from Zhu et al., 2012
zdf16Tg; zdf22Tg (AB)
zdf16Tg; zdf31Tg (AB)
Fig. 4 with image from Tao et al., 2017
zdf16Tg; zdf32Tg (AB)
Fig. 4 with image from Tao et al., 2017 Fig. S3 from Tao et al., 2017
zdf16Tg; zdf33Tg (AB)
Fig. 3 from Zhu et al., 2017 3 figures from Zhu et al., 2017
zdf16Tg; zdf39Tg
2 figures with image from Tao et al., 2020 2 figures with image from Tao et al., 2020
zdf16Tg; zdf40Tg
2 figures with image from Tao et al., 2020 2 figures with image from Tao et al., 2020
zdf16Tg; zf738Tg (AB)
3 figures with image from Zhang et al., 2017 3 figures with image from Zhang et al., 2017
zdf16Tg; zf739Tg (AB)
2 figures with image from Zhang et al., 2017 2 figures with image from Zhang et al., 2017
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