Fig. 5

Whyte-Fagundes et al., 2022 - Panx1 channels promote both anti- and pro-seizure-like activities in the zebrafish via p2rx7 receptors and ATP signaling
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Fig. 5

a Schematic of the region LFPs were recorded from. b Larvae treated with 75?µM PROB (n?=?7; P?=?6.1?×?10?5) or 5?mM VPA (n?=?7; P?=?6.1?×?10?6) have no PTZ inducible SLEs compared to 100% of TL larvae (n?=?7; Barnard test). Representative traces of larvae treated with (c) PROB and (d) VPA treated with PTZ for 60?min. Expanded views into the last 5?min of traces showed lack of SLEs. Spectrograms corresponding to small spikes in traces above demonstrate no increase in high-frequency power associated with these events. Scale bar: A value of 0 (blue) is low and a value of 50 (red) is high. e LFPs of the last 5?min of 60?min traces revealed no drug induced changes to baseline activity when using PROB or VPA. f Baseline activity (?pixel?±?s.e.m.; n?=?36; Two-way repeated measures ANOVA and Bonferroni multiple comparisons) increased with PROB treatment for the first 5?min (P?=?<?9.0?×?10?4), PTZ-induced hyperactivity subsided significantly within 15?min (P?=?<?1.0?×?10?4), sooner than the PTZ only group. VPA treatment (n?=?60) decreased baseline and PTZ-induced activity (P?=?<?1.0?×?10?4), with a hyperactivity curve like the PTZ only group. Dashed lines indicate max average activity for PTZ only group. g AUCs for baseline activity and PROB treatment did not differ (open points; P?=?0.5). PROB treatment significantly reduced the effect of PTZ without (filled points; P?=?<?1.0?×?10?4) and with (P?=?<?1.0?×?10?4; Unpaired t-test) extracted baseline activity. h Stage II and III counts (n?=?18; count/2?min) were significantly reduced with PROB treatment (stage II: P?=?5.7?×?10?3; stage III: P???1.0?×?10?4; Two-way repeated measures ANOVA), majority occurring in the first 10?min of treatment. Dashed lines represent max average Stage II and Stage III counts for PTZ-only group. i IEG upregulation was reduced in PROB treated TL larvae except for egr2a. N?=?number of larvae. Scale bars: Top?=?0.25?mV by 250?s, middle?=?0.2?mV by 25?s, bottom?=?0.2?mV by 1?s, e?=?0.2?mV by 25?s. *P?<?0.05, **P?<?0.01, ***P?<?0.001, ****P?<?0.0001.

Expression Data
Anatomical Term:
Stage: Day 6

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage Range: Day 6 to Days 7-13

Phenotype Detail
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