Mitochondrial and metabolic changes in pitx2c?/? adult atria. (A) Quantification of relative mtDNA content in pitx2c+/+ and pitx2c?/? atria by qPCR. (B) Representative image of mitochondrial clusters (highlighted in green) observed in pitx2c?/? adult hearts by TEM (n = 3). (C) qPCR of known PITX2 targets as well as additional metabolic genes in pitx2c+/+ and pitx2c?/? adult atria. Significant down-regulation of cox7c, ppargc1a, foxo1a, pparaa, ucp1, and prdx5 mRNA levels and up-regulation of hcn4 and esrra as well as adipogenic genes fabp11a, adipor2, and zbtb16b mRNA levels are observed in pitx2c?/? atria (C). Error bars correspond to SEM. *P < 0.05 by unpaired t test; **P < 0.01 by unpaired t test.