Fig. S3
osm expression is tfec-dependent and reduces macrophage differentiation. (A) qPCR analysis of osm expression in FACS sorted tail endothelial cells from flk1:eGFP at 48hpf from non-injected or embryos injected with tfec mRNA. qPCR data shown is the meanąSEM of three data points, calculated from three independent experiments. Each separate experiment was conducted in biological triplicates, then averaged to give a single value. (B) ISH analysis of cmyb expression in non-injected or osm injected siblings (Sib.) and tfec mutants. (B?) analysis of cmyb expression within the CHT. (C) Experimental outline. (D) qPCR analysis of runx1 (p=0.5441), gata3 (p=0.9650) and cmyb (p=0.0981) expression in ikaros:eGFPhigh cells FACS sorted at 48hpf. qPCR data shown is the meanąSEM of three data points, calculated from three independent experiments. Each separate experiment was conducted in biological triplicates, then averaged to give a single value. NI, non-injected control. +osm, osm full length mRNA injected embryos. Statistical analysis was completed using an unpaired, two-tailed Student's t-test. NS, p>0.05. (E-G) ISH analysis of mpx, mfap4, gata1 at 4dpf in NI or osm injected embryos. NI, non-injected control. +osm, osm full length mRNA injected embryos. All scale bars are 100?m. |
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Stage: | Day 4 |
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Stage: | Day 4 |