Wnt signaling defines the domain of Fgf signaling in the dorsal diencephalon. (A-C?) At 35?hpf, the domain of fgf8a expression just rostral to the developing dHb is expanded in wls mutants. (D,D?) Inhibition of Wnt signaling at 36?hpf by heat shock activation of Tg(hsp70:dkk1-GFP) also expands fgf8a expression at 48?hpf. (E-H?) The expression domains of (E,F) dusp6 and (G,H) etv5b, two targets of Fgf signaling, are enlarged in (E?,F?,G?,H?) wls mutants (compare brackets). (I-L) Expression of dbx1b (arrowheads) in the (I) WT dorsal diencephalon is reduced in (J) fgf8a and (K) wls mutants, and absent in (L) fgf8a;wls double mutants. Dorsal (A,C,D,E,G) and lateral (B,F,H,I-L) views are shown. Refer to Table 1 for numerical values. Sibling WT and homozygous wls mutant embryos were distinguished by the presence or absence of wls transcripts (Kuan et al., 2015). Scale bars: 50?µm.