Photo-Morpholinos reduce apical domain size. (A–D) Transverse cryosections of 4 dpf retinas were stained with phalloidin to label actin (red) and zpr-1 to label double cones (green). Sections were also counterstained with DAPI (blue). (E) Quantification of apical domain as a percentage of total photoreceptor inner segment length. All values are plotted as a percentage of n/m, as defined in the text. Wild type = 38%; pard3-pard3pMO morphants = 16%; prkci-prkcipMO morphants = 9.72%; prkc-prkcpMO was non-detectable. Blue error bars indicate the mean ± standard deviation. ONL = outer nuclear layer; OPL = outer plexiform layer; INL = inner nuclear layer. Scale bar = 20 μm.