

Previous Names
Although ZFIN verifies reagent sequence data, we recommend that you conduct independent sequence analysis before ordering any reagent.
Genome Resources
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Genomic Features
No data available
Gene expression in Wild Types + MO1-prkcz
Phenotype resulting from MO1-prkcz
Phenotype of all Fish created by or utilizing MO1-prkcz
Phenotype Fish Conditions Figures
intersegmental vessel malformed, abnormal y1Tg + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 6 from Oubaha et al., 2012
dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel aplastic, abnormal y1Tg + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 6 from Oubaha et al., 2012
intersegmental vessel sprouting angiogenesis process quality, abnormal y1Tg + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 6 from Oubaha et al., 2012
intersegmental vessel endothelial tip cell detached from dorsal aorta, abnormal y1Tg + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 6 from Oubaha et al., 2012
intersegmental vessel has extra parts of type endothelial tip cell filopodium, abnormal y1Tg + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 6 from Oubaha et al., 2012
nuclear migration disrupted, abnormal knu3Tg/knu3Tg + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 6 from Baye et al., 2007
neuroblast nucleus position, abnormal knu3Tg/knu3Tg + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 6 from Baye et al., 2007
neuroblast development disrupted, abnormal knu3Tg/knu3Tg + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 6 from Baye et al., 2007
pigmented epithelial cell pigment granule mislocalised, abnormal prkcim567/m567 + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 3 from Cui et al., 2007
retina structure, abnormal prkcim567/m567 + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 3 from Cui et al., 2007
pigmented epithelial cell shape, abnormal prkcim567/m567 + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 3 from Cui et al., 2007
determination of left/right asymmetry in lateral mesoderm decreased process quality, abnormal AB/EKW + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 12 with image from Krock et al., 2014
camera-type eye photoreceptor cell differentiation arrested, abnormal AB/EKW + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 8 with image from Krock et al., 2014
retina lacks all parts of type retinal cone cell, abnormal AB/EKW + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 8 with image from Krock et al., 2014
camera-type eye photoreceptor cell differentiation decreased occurrence, abnormal AB/EKW + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 9 with image from Krock et al., 2014
retina has fewer parts of type retinal rod cell, abnormal AB/EKW + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 9 with image from Krock et al., 2014
heart edematous, abnormal TU + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 6 with image from Gerlach et al., 2014
pronephric proximal straight tubule cell differentiation involved in pronephros development process quality, abnormal TU + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 8 with image from Gerlach et al., 2014
pronephric proximal convoluted tubule malformed, abnormal TU + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 5 with image from Gerlach et al., 2014
pronephros pronephric nephron tubule epithelial cell differentiation process quality, abnormal TU + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from Gerlach et al., 2014
pronephric proximal convoluted tubule cell differentiation involved in pronephros development process quality, abnormal TU + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 8 with imageFig. 9 with image from Gerlach et al., 2014
pronephric proximal convoluted tubule apoptotic, abnormal TU + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 5 with image from Gerlach et al., 2014
pronephric proximal convoluted tubule endocytosis decreased occurrence, abnormal TU + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 6 with image from Gerlach et al., 2014
renal filtration decreased occurrence, abnormal TU + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 6 with image from Gerlach et al., 2014
pronephric proximal convoluted tubule apoptotic process increased occurrence, abnormal TU + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 5 with image from Gerlach et al., 2014
pronephric glomerulus development process quality, abnormal TU + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from Gerlach et al., 2014
pronephric proximal tubule morphogenesis decreased process quality, abnormal TU + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 5 with image from Gerlach et al., 2014
pronephric tubule establishment of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity decreased occurrence, abnormal TU + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 3 with image from Gerlach et al., 2014
pigmented epithelial cell shape, abnormal WT + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 2 from Cui et al., 2007
pigmented epithelial cell pigment granule mislocalised, abnormal WT + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 2 from Cui et al., 2007
mitotic cell cycle process quality, abnormal WT + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 3 from Cui et al., 2007
retinal ganglion cell layer disorganized, abnormal knu3Tg + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 3 from Cui et al., 2007
cell migration process quality, abnormal knu3Tg + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 9 from Cui et al., 2007
retina cellular quality, abnormal knu3Tg + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 9 from Cui et al., 2007
amacrine cell spatial pattern, abnormal knu3Tg + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 3 from Cui et al., 2007
pronephros establishment of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity decreased occurrence, abnormal nz1Tg + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 4 with image from Gerlach et al., 2014
pronephric nephron tubule morphogenesis decreased process quality, abnormal nz1Tg + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz standard conditions Fig. 4 with image from Gerlach et al., 2014
retina neuroepithelial cell positional polarity, abnormal kca66Tg; kca6Tg + MO1-prkci + MO1-prkcz (AB) standard conditions Fig. 3 from Cui et al., 2007