Fig. 4
Stab2 knockdown affects Erk phosphorylation. (A?D) Phosphorylated Erk expression is observed in the DA of uninjected control embryos by whole mount immunostaining (A,B), while a majority of Stab2 morphants display a reduction in arterial P-Erk expression (C,D). (E) Percentages of embryos displaying normal or decreased arterial P-Erk expression. Arrows indicate P-Erk expression in the DA (A,C). Experiments performed in a Tg(fli1a:GFP) line. Green staining: GFP, Blue Staining: DAPI, Red staining: P-Erk. Lateral view, anterior is to the left. All embryos are at the 20-somite stage. Morphants were injected with a cocktail containing Stab2 MO1, MO2 and p53 MO. |
Genes: | |
Antibody: | |
Fish: | |
Knockdown Reagents: | |
Anatomical Terms: | |
Stage Range: | 20-25 somites to Prim-5 |