Combinatorial signaling establishes distinct Fox expression domains. (A) In situ hybridization at 36 hpf shows expression of Fox genes (green) relative to dlx2a+ CNCs (red) of the first two arches. (B) Expression of foxc1a, foxd2 and foxf1 (green) relative to dlx2a+ CNCs (red) upon misexpression of Shha, Bmp4 or Fgf3. Embryos doubly transgenic for hsp70l:Gal4 and UAS:shha, UAS:bmp4 or UAS:fgf3 were subjected to heat shock induction from 20 to 24 hpf and then fixed at 36 hpf for analysis. (C) Expression of foxc1a, foxd2 and foxf1 (green) relative to dlx2a+ CNCs (red) in edn1 or jag1b mutants versus sibling controls. Numbers denote proportions of embryos with displayed patterns. Scale bars: 25 μm. (D) Summary of positive and negative inputs on Fox expression in the first two arches.