Absence of parapineal cell cluster and habenula right-isomerism in embryos homozygous for a targeted bsx mutant allele. (A-G) Expression of PC or habenula markers analyzed by WISH in wild-type and bsx mutant embryos at 3?dpf (A-B?,D-E?,G,G?), 34?hpf (C,C?) or 5?dpf (F,F?). Arrowheads indicate the location of PP cells. All embryos were genotyped [n?4 each for wild type (wt) and mutants]. Dorsal views, with the anterior at the top. (H) Time series of pineal anlage in Tg(foxd3:GFP) at stages (indicated at left) when the PP develops. In wt but not bsx mutant embryos, GFP+ cells migrate out of the anterior pineal anlage to form a PP cell cluster (arrowhead). Widefield epifluorescence images (20× lens, NA 1.0) of PC, dorsal views, with the anterior at the top. L, left; R, right. Scale bars: 100?µm (A-G) and 50?µm (H).