Fig. S2
bsx mRNA tissue levels reveal little or no circadian rhythm regulation. (A-E) Embryos were fixed at ages indicated in hours post fertilization (hpf) and at indicated zeitgeber time (ZT) with reference to 14 h light on / 10 h light off cycle during incubation. (F-G) Same experiment but embryos incubated in constant darkness from 2 hpf on. Zeitgeber time 0 was defined as the timepoint of light onset (for the light-entrained group) on the third day. (A-J) Fixed embryos were stained by in situ hybridization using bsx probe. Dorsal views of pineal complex in embryos, anterior is to the top. Scale bar: 50 µm. bsx expression shows little or no variation in intensity over the course of the day (n?20 embryos for each condition). (K) Background adjusted integrated staining density in the pineal complex area of embryos kept in a 14 h light / 10 h dark cycle (blue) and embryos raised in complete darkness (red). Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test revealed no significant differences in staining intensity between the two groups at any of the assessed timepoints: p = 0.2000 (72 hpf), p = 0.0571 (80 hpf), p = 0.1143 (88 hpf), p = 0.4857 (96 hpf), p = 0.3429 (104 hpf). |