phox2b-deficient embryos show impaired differentiation of sympathetic neurons in the SCG. (A?F) Lateral/oblique views of 4-dpf embryos after whole-mount ISH for th (A?C) and dbh (D?F) in control and phox2b?deficient embryos. Arrows indicate the SCG. Knockdown of phox2b by injection of a splice MO (4 ng) (MOsplice) inhibits the expression of th and dbh (B, E) which is rescued by coexpression of human PHOX2B mRNA (10 ng/μl) (C, F). Relative intensity levels of th (G) and dbh (H) expression in embryos injected with phox2b MOs that inhibit translation (MOATG) or splicing (MOsplice). Mismatched control MO (MOmm) and PHOX2B mRNA-rescue (MOsplice/PHOX2B) are also shown. Data are presented as means ± SD (***P<0.001; **P<0.01; n = 15 for each group).