sox4a is repressed by Tcf3 in spinal progenitors. (A,B) sox4a is weakly expressed in the spinal cord of wild-type embryos at 24 hpf and is ectopically expressed throughout the intermediate and ventral spinal cord of tcf3 morphants. (C) Overexpression of sox4a mRNA leads to ectopic HuC/D BrdU double-positive cells in medial progenitors (arrows). (D,E) sox3 is expressed in intermediate and ventral spinal progenitors of wild-type embryos at 24 hpf, and is drastically reduced in tcf3 morphants. (F) sox11a is expressed in both spinal progenitors and postmitotic neurons at 24 hpf. (G,H) sox4a overexpression does not affect the expression of dbx1a in spinal progenitors.