Blocking iro7 translation with Moz7 leads to a reduction of the midbrain and anterior hindbrain. (A) Autoradiography showing radiolabelled in vitro translation products of the iro7 capped RNA in the presence of increasing concentrations of Moz7 or Moz7m (0.4 μM to 80 μM). (B,C) Lateral view of live embryos at 30 hpf injected with Moz7 (B) or Moz7m (C), anterior is towards the left. (D-O) Embryos stained by in situ hybridisation with the indicated probes (colour coded). Anterior is towards the left, stages are indicated at the bottom right-hand corner of each picture. (B-G,J,K,N,O) Whole mounts; (H,I,L,M) flat-mounts. is, isthmus; ov, otic vesicle; os, optic stalk; MHB, midbrain-hindbrain boundary; ep, epiphysis.