Figure 2—figure supplement 3.

Multiple sequence alignments of OG_13336 and OG_31055, two bilaterian-specific orthogroups without known domains.

View of a 189 AA alignment of OG_13336 (top; 74 sequences from 40 deuterostomes, 11 ecdysozoans, and 5 lophotrochozoans) and of a 75 AA alignment of OG_31055 (bottom; 30 sequences from 8 deuterostomes, 6 ecdysozoans, and 7 lophotrochozoans), illustrating the existence of domain-like conservation patterns despite the absence of known protein domains. Short stretches of unaligned sequences were removed for clarity. Colouring of amino acids reflects chemical similarity (UGENE standard colour scheme; Okonechnikov et al., 2012). Bar chart on top displays sequence conservation of alignment columns beneath. Sequences are ordered according to their origin.

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