- Title
Genetically defined nucleus incertus neurons differ in connectivity and function
- Authors
- Spikol, E.D., Cheng, J., Macurak, M., Subedi, A., Halpern, M.E.
- Source
- Full text @ Elife
gsc2 neurons localize to the nucleus incertus. (A, A?) WISH for gsc2 and (B-C?) double-label WISH for (B, B?) gsc2 and sst1.1 or (C, C?) gsc2 and rln3a was performed on (A-B?) 4 days post-fertilization (dpf) or (C, C?) 6 dpf larvae. (A, C, C?) Dorsal views, anterior to the top. (A?, B, B?) Lateral views, anterior left. (B?, C?) Enlarged views of boxed regions in B and C, respectively. Scale bars, 100 µm. (D?F) Fluorescent double-label WISH for (D) rln3a and gsc2, (E) rln3a and nmbb, and (F) rln3a and cckb. Dorsal views of 6 dpf larvae, anterior to the top. Z-projections. Scale bar, 10 µm. (G) Schematic depicting distribution of neuronal subtypes in the nucelus incertus (NI) of larval zebrafish. Green dots, gsc2 expression; purple dots, rln3a expression; blue dots, nmbb expression; pink dots and shading, cckb expression. IPN: interpeduncular nucleus, PAG: periaqueductal grey, NI: nucleus incertus. |
Subset of neuropeptides expressed in NI of larval zebrafish. WISH for ( |
Partially overlapping expression of Fluorescent double-label WISH for |
Transgenic driver lines recapitulate gsc2 and rln3a expression patterns. (A, D) CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing strategies used to generate (A) Tg(gsc2:QF2)c721 and (D) Tg(rln3a:QF2, he1.1:YFP)c836 driver lines. (B, C, E, F) Dorsal views of 6 dpf larvae, anterior to the top. (B, E) WISH for (B) gsc2 and (E) rln3a. (C, F) Confocal Z-projections of (C) Tg(gsc2:QF2)c721; Tg(QUAS:GFP)c578 and (F) Tg(rln3a:QF2, he1.1:YFP)c836; Tg(QUAS:GFP)c578 larvae. Scale bars, 100 µm. sgRNA: single guide RNA, hsp70: heat shock cognate 70-kd protein, tandem duplicate 1 promoter, 5? UTR: 5? untranslated region, HA: homology arm, he1.1: promoter of hatching enzyme gene. |
Drawing of adult zebrafish brain in lateral view (after |
Drawing of adult zebrafish brain in lateral view (after |
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Axonal projections of Rotating 3D reconstruction of a 6 dpf |
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Increased calcium signaling in gsc2 neurons upon optogenetic activation of the dHb. Calcium transients were imaged at 2.6 Hz before, during, and after illumination with 561 nm light in 7 dpf larvae. (A) Drawings depicting imaging of calcium transients and optogenetic activation using confocal microscopy. (B-C?) Representative maximum intensity projections of GCaMP7a fluorescence in (B) dHb and (B?) gsc2 neurons of the same larva, or (C) dHb and (C?) rln3a NI neurons of the same larva. Anterior to the top. Scale bar, 100 ?m. (D-E??) Tg(gsc2:QF2)c721 or (F-H??) Tg(rln3a:QF2, he1.1:YFP)c836 driver lines in (D-H) TgBAC(gng8:GAL4FF)c426; Tg(UAS:GCaMP7a)zf415; Tg(QUAS:GCaMP7a)c594 larvae (D, E, F, G, H) with or (D?, E?, F?, G?, H?) without Tg(UAS:ReaChR-RFP)jf50. The average change in GCaMP7a signaling (%?F/F) is shown for (D, D?, F, F?) the dorsal habenulae, (E, E?) gsc2 neurons, (G, G?) rln3a NI neurons, and (H, H?) rln3a PAG neurons. Shading indicates standard deviation. Gaps at light onset and offset are due to latency in switching the laser configuration. (D??, E??, F??, G??, H??) Average Fpost/Fpre is shown for (D??, F??) the dHb, (E??) gsc2 neurons, (G??) rln3a NI neurons, and (H??) rln3a PAG neurons of ReaChR+ and ReaChR- larvae. Fpost is the area under the curve for 15 frames (5.8 s) during 561 nm illumination and Fpre is the area under the curve for 15 frames (5.8 s) preceding 561 nm illumination. (D??, E??, F??, G??, H??) Black bars indicate mean ratios: (D??) 0.75±0.15, n=6 ReaChR- larvae, 2.95±0.41, n=5 ReaChR+ larvae, ***p=0.0004. (E??) 1.07±0.15, n=6 ReaChR- larvae, 1.86±0.17, n=5 ReaChR+ larvae, **P=0.0073. (F??) 1.22±0.29, n=5 ReaChR- larvae, 11.08±6.54, n=5 ReaChR+ larvae, *p=0.032. (G??) 1.82±0.32, n=5 ReaChR- larvae, 1.97±0.59, n=5 ReaChR+ larvae, = 0.83. (H??) 2.13±0.27, n=5 ReaChR- larvae, 1.83±0.27, n=5 ReaChR+ larvae, p=0.45. Extended y-axis in F?? to display higher values. |
Calcium signaling in individual larvae and neurons. Examples of calcium transients recorded from ( |
Response of Calcium signaling in the |
Loss of rln3a NI neurons increases spontaneous locomotor activity. (A-C???) Single optical sections from two-photon imaging of 6 dpf (A, A?) Tg(gsc2:QF2)c721; Tg(QUAS:GFP)c578 or (B-C???) Tg(rln3a:QF2, he1.1:YFP)c836; Tg(QUAS:GFP)c578 larvae (A, B, C, C??) before and (A?, B?, C?, C???) after laser-mediated ablation of (A, A?) gsc2 neurons, (B, B?) rln3a NI neurons, or (C, C?) left and (C??, C???) right rln3a PAG neurons. Dorsal views, anterior to the top. Scale bars, 10 ?m. (D-D???) Average locomotor activity during 5 s prior to and after shock. Shock delivery is denoted by the gray line. (E) Mean of total distance traveled during 5 s pre- and post-shock for unablated controls (pre=0.86±0.23 cm, post=5.89±0.64 cm, n=27), or larvae with ablated gsc2 (pre=1.19±0.31, post=7.23±1.20 cm, n=17), rln3a NI (pre=1.30±0.26 cm, post=8.09±1.45 cm, n=15), or rln3a PAG (pre=0.72±0.23 cm, post=6.92±1.07 cm, n=17) neurons. Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test: ***p=2.2 x 10?16. Dunn?s post-hoc tests with adjustment for multiple comparisons show no statistically significant differences within pre- and post-shock epochs, p<0.001*** for each pre-shock vs. post-shock comparison. Unablated control group includes Tg(gsc2:QF2)c721; Tg(QUAS:GFP)c578 and Tg(rln3a:QF2, he1.1:YFP)c836; Tg(QUAS:GFP)c578 siblings of ablated larvae. (F-F???) Representative trajectories of 7 dpf larvae with ablated (F?) gsc2 (F??) rln3a NI or (F???) rln3a PAG neurons and (F) sibling controls during the first 115 s of the recording (baseline activity). (G) Mean of distance traveled during the first 115 s of the recording for unablated controls (19.87±3.19 cm) or larvae with ablated gsc2 (17.87±3.84193 cm), rln3a NI (42.80±5.27 cm), or rln3a PAG (15.73±3.55 cm) neurons. Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test: ***p=0.00099. Dunn?s post-hoc tests with adjustment for multiple comparisons show ablated rln3a NI neurons vs. unablated **p=0.0019, ablated rln3a vs. gsc2 NI neurons **p=0.0019, or ablated rln3a NI vs. rln3a PAG neurons **p=0.0019. (H) Average length of movement phases during the pre-shock period, defined as continuous phases of movement with no more than 1 s of prolonged immobility, for unablated controls (7.35±1.34 s) or larvae with ablated gsc2 (6.18±1.14 s), rln3a NI (10.38±1.17 s) or rln3a PAG (4.23±0.74 s) neurons. Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test: **p=0.0013. Dunn?s post-hoc tests with adjustment for multiple comparisons show ablated rln3a NI neurons vs. unablated *p=0.039, ablated rln3a vs. gsc2 NI neurons *p=0.039, or ablated rln3a NI vs. rln3a PAG neurons ***p=0.00055. (I) Mean number of phases of movement during the pre-shock period for unablated controls (7.74±1.03) or larvae with ablated gsc2 (6.88±1.39), rln3a NI (8.13±1.05), or rln3a PAG (7.41±1.33) neurons. Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test: p=0.89. |
Confirmation of selective ablation of NI neuronal clusters. ( |
Loss of Ratio of the total size, in degrees, of all calculated angles during the first 115 s of the recording, divided by total distance traveled in millimeters. ( |
Comparisons between ablated and unablated larvae with the same genotype. Unablated control group only includes only |