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(66 total)
Gene Name:
prickle homolog 1a
Gene Symbol:
Ahsan, K., Singh, N., Rocha, M., Huang, C., Prince, V.E. (2019) Prickle1 is required for EMT and migration of zebrafish cranial neural crest. Developmental Biology. 448(1):16-35
Bassuk, A.G., Wallace, R.H., Buhr, A., Buller, A.R., Afawi, Z., Shimojo, M., Miyata, S., Chen, S., Gonzalez-Alegre, P., Griesbach, H.L., Wu, S., Nashelsky, M., Vladar, E.K., Antic, D., Ferguson, P.J., Cirak, S., Voit, T., Scott, M.P., Axelrod, J.D., Gurnett, C., Daoud, A.S., Kivity, S., Neufeld, M.Y., Mazarib, A., Straussberg, R., Walid, S., Korczyn, A.D., Slusarski, D.C., Berkovic, S.F., and El-Shanti, H.I. (2008) A Homozygous Mutation in Human PRICKLE1 Causes an Autosomal-Recessive Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy-Ataxia Syndrome. American journal of human genetics. 83(5):572-581
Bosoi, C.M., Capra, V., Allache, R., Trinh, V.Q., De Marco, P., Merello, E., Drapeau, P., Bassuk, A.G., and Kibar, Z. (2011) Identification and characterization of novel rare mutations in the planar cell polarity gene PRICKLE1 in human neural tube defects. Human Mutation. 32(12):1371-5
Braasch, I., Gehrke, A.R., Smith, J.J., Kawasaki, K., Manousaki, T., Pasquier, J., Amores, A., Desvignes, T., Batzel, P., Catchen, J., Berlin, A.M., Campbell, M.S., Barrell, D., Martin, K.J., Mulley, J.F., Ravi, V., Lee, A.P., Nakamura, T., Chalopin, D., Fan, S., Wcisel, D., Cañestro, C., Sydes, J., Beaudry, F.E., Sun, Y., Hertel, J., Beam, M.J., Fasold, M., Ishiyama, M., Johnson, J., Kehr, S., Lara, M., Letaw, J.H., Litman, G.W., Litman, R.T., Mikami, M., Ota, T., Saha, N.R., Williams, L., Stadler, P.F., Wang, H., Taylor, J.S., Fontenot, Q., Ferrara, A., Searle, S.M., Aken, B., Yandell, M., Schneider, I., Yoder, J.A., Volff, J.N., Meyer, A., Amemiya, C.T., Venkatesh, B., Holland, P.W., Guiguen, Y., Bobe, J., Shubin, N.H., Di Palma, F., Alföldi, J., Lindblad-Toh, K., Postlethwait, J.H. (2016) The spotted gar genome illuminates vertebrate evolution and facilitates human-teleost comparisons. Nature Genetics. 48(4):427-37
Burcklé, C., Gaudé, H.M., Vesque, C., Silbermann, F., Salomon, R., Jeanpierre, C., Antignac, C., Saunier, S., and Schneider-Maunoury, S. (2011) Control of the Wnt pathways by nephrocystin-4 is required for morphogenesis of the zebrafish pronephros. Human molecular genetics. 20(13):2611-27
Cao, Y., Park, A., and Sun, Z. (2010) Intraflagellar Transport Proteins Are Essential for Cilia Formation and for Planar Cell Polarity. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN. 21(8):1326-1333
Carreira-Barbosa, F., Concha, M.L., Takeuchi, M., Ueno, N., Wilson, S.W., and Tada, M. (2003) Prickle 1 regulates cell movements during gastrulation and neuronal migration in zebrafish. Development (Cambridge, England). 130(17):4037-4046
Ciruna, B., Jenny, A., Lee, D., Mlodzik, M., and Schier, A.F. (2006) Planar cell polarity signalling couples cell division and morphogenesis during neurulation. Nature. 439(7073):220-224
Cui, S., Capecci, L.M., and Matthews, R.P. (2011) Disruption of planar cell polarity activity leads to developmental biliary defects. Developmental Biology. 351(2):229-241
Dingwell, K.S., and Smith, J.C. (2006) Tes regulates neural crest migration and axial elongation in Xenopus. Developmental Biology. 293(1):252-267
Dohn, M.R., Mundell, N.A., Sawyer, L.M., Dunlap, J.A., and Jessen, J.R. (2013) Planar cell polarity proteins differentially regulate extracellular matrix organization and assembly during zebrafish gastrulation. Developmental Biology. 383(1):39-51
Dutta, S., Sriskanda, S., Boobalan, E., Alur, R.P., Elkahloun, A., Brooks, B.P. (2015) nlz1 Is required for cilia formation in zebrafish embryogenesis. Developmental Biology. 406(2):203-11
Elkon, R., Milon, B., Morrison, L., Shah, M., Vijayakumar, S., Racherla, M., Leitch, C.C., Silipino, L., Hadi, S., Weiss-Gayet, M., Barras, E., Schmid, C.D., Ait-Lounis, A., Barnes, A., Song, Y., Eisenman, D.J., Eliyahu, E., Frolenkov, G.I., Strome, S.E., Durand, B., Zaghloul, N.A., Jones, S.M., Reith, W., Hertzano, R. (2015) RFX transcription factors are essential for hearing in mice. Nature communications. 6:8549
Fuller, T.D., Westfall, T.A., Das, T., Dawson, D.V., Slusarski, D.C. (2018) High-throughput behavioral assay to investigate seizure sensitivity in zebrafish implicates ZFHX3 in epilepsy. Journal of neurogenetics. 32(2):92-105
Griffin, A., Carpenter, C., Liu, J., Paterno, R., Grone, B., Hamling, K., Moog, M., Dinday, M.T., Figueroa, F., Anvar, M., Ononuju, C., Qu, T., Baraban, S.C. (2021) Phenotypic analysis of catastrophic childhood epilepsy genes. Communications biology. 4:680
Hübner, K., Cabochette, P., Diéguez-Hurtado, R., Wiesner, C., Wakayama, Y., Grassme, K.S., Hubert, M., Guenther, S., Belting, H.G., Affolter, M., Adams, R.H., Vanhollebeke, B., Herzog, W. (2018) Wnt/β-catenin signaling regulates VE-cadherin-mediated anastomosis of brain capillaries by counteracting S1pr1 signaling. Nature communications. 9:4860
Jerber, J., Baas, D., Soulavie, F., Chhin, B., Cortier, E., Vesque, C., Thomas, J., and Durand, B. (2014) The coiled-coil domain containing protein CCDC151 is required for the function of IFT-dependent motile cilia in animals. Human molecular genetics. 23(3):563-77
Kishimoto, N., Cao, Y., Park, A., and Sun, Z. (2008) Cystic kidney gene seahorse regulates cilia-mediated processes and Wnt pathways. Developmental Cell. 14(6):954-961
Lee, G.H., Chang, C.L., Chiu, W.T., Hsiao, T.H., Chen, P.Y., Wang, K.C., Kuo, C.H., Chen, B.H., Shi, G.Y., Wu, H.L., Fu, T.F. (2019) A thrombomodulin-like gene is crucial to the collective migration of epibolic blastomeres during germ layer formation and organogenesis in zebrafish. Journal of Biomedical Science. 26:60
Lencer, E., Prekeris, R., Artinger, K.B. (2021) Single-cell RNA analysis identifies pre-migratory neural crest cells expressing markers of differentiated derivatives. eLIFE. 10:
Liu, X., Ning, G., Meng, A., and Wang, Q. (2012) MicroRNA-206 regulates cell movements during zebrafish gastrulation by targeting prickle1a and regulating JNK2 phosphorylation. Molecular and cellular biology. 32(14):2934-2942
Love, A.M., Prince, D.J., Jessen, J.R. (2018) Vangl2-dependent regulation of membrane protrusions and directed migration requires a fibronectin extracellular matrix. Development (Cambridge, England). 145(22):
Mahuzier, A., Gaudé, H.M., Grampa, V., Anselme, I., Silbermann, F., Leroux-Berger, M., Delacour, D., Ezan, J., Montcouquiol, M., Saunier, S., Schneider-Maunoury, S., and Vesque, C. (2012) Dishevelled stabilization by the ciliopathy protein Rpgrip1l is essential for planar cell polarity. The Journal of cell biology. 198(5):927-940
Mapp, O.M., Wanner, S.J., Rohrschneider, M.R., and Prince, V.E. (2010) Prickle1b mediates interpretation of migratory cues during zebrafish facial branchiomotor neuron migration. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 239(6):1596-1608
Mei, X., Wu, S., Bassuk, A.G., and Slusarski, D.C. (2013) Mechanisms of prickle 1a function in zebrafish epilepsy and retinal neurogenesis. Disease models & mechanisms. 6(3):679-688
Merks, A.M., Swinarski, M., Meyer, A.M., Müller, N.V., Özcan, I., Donat, S., Burger, A., Gilbert, S., Mosimann, C., Abdelilah-Seyfried, S., Panáková, D. (2018) Planar cell polarity signalling coordinates heart tube remodelling through tissue-scale polarisation of actomyosin activity. Nature communications. 9:2161
Oteiza, P., Köppen, M., Krieg, M., Pulgar, E., Farias, C., Melo, C., Preibisch, S., Müller, D., Tada, M., Hartel, S., Heisenberg, C.P., and Concha, M.L. (2010) Planar cell polarity signalling regulates cell adhesion properties in progenitors of the zebrafish laterality organ. Development (Cambridge, England). 137(20):3459-3468
Panáková, D., Werdich, A.A., and MacRae, C.A. (2010) Wnt11 patterns a myocardial electrical gradient through regulation of the L-type Ca(2+) channel. Nature. 466(7308):874-878
Reeves, W.M., Wu, Y., Harder, M.J., Veeman, M.T. (2017) Functional and evolutionary insights from the
notochord transcriptome.. Development (Cambridge, England). 144:3375-3387
Rohrschneider, M.R., Elsen, G.E., and Prince, V.E. (2007) Zebrafish Hoxb1a regulates multiple downstream genes including prickle1b. Developmental Biology. 309(2):358-372
Sarras, M.P., Leontovich, A.A., Olsen, A.S., and Intine, R.V. (2013) Impaired tissue regeneration corresponds with altered expression of developmental genes that persists in the metabolic memory state of diabetic zebrafish. Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society. 21(2):320-328
Strausberg,R.L., Feingold,E.A., Grouse,L.H., Derge,J.G., Klausner,R.D., Collins,F.S., Wagner,L., Shenmen,C.M., Schuler,G.D., Altschul,S.F., Zeeberg,B., Buetow,K.H., Schaefer,C.F., Bhat,N.K., Hopkins,R.F., Jordan,H., Moore,T., Max,S.I., Wang,J., Hsieh,F., Diatchenko,L., Marusina,K., Farmer,A.A., Rubin,G.M., Hong,L., Stapleton,M., Soares,M.B., Bonaldo,M.F., Casavant,T.L., Scheetz,T.E., Brownstein,M.J., Usdin,T.B., Toshiyuki,S., Carninci,P., Prange,C., Raha,S.S., Loquellano,N.A., Peters,G.J., Abramson,R.D., Mullahy,S.J., Bosak,S.A., McEwan,P.J., McKernan,K.J., Malek,J.A., Gunaratne,P.H., Richards,S., Worley,K.C., Hale,S., Garcia,A.M., Gay,L.J., Hulyk,S.W., Villalon,D.K., Muzny,D.M., Sodergren,E.J., Lu,X., Gibbs,R.A., Fahey,J., Helton,E., Ketteman,M., Madan,A., Rodrigues,S., Sanchez,A., Whiting,M., Madan,A., Young,A.C., Shevchenko,Y., Bouffard,G.G., Blakesley,R.W., Touchman,J.W., Green,E.D., Dickson,M.C., Rodriguez,A.C., Grimwood,J., Schmutz,J., Myers,R.M., Butterfield,Y.S., Krzywinski,M.I., Skalska,U., Smailus,D.E., Schnerch,A., Schein,J.E., Jones,S.J., and Marra,M.A. (2002) Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99(26):16899-903
Tawk, M., Araya, C., Lyons, D.A., Reugels, A.M., Girdler, G.C., Bayley, P.R., Hyde, D.R., Tada, M., and Clarke, J.D. (2007) A mirror-symmetric cell division that orchestrates neuroepithelial morphogenesis. Nature. 446(7137):797-800
Tuttle, A.M., Miller, L.N., Royer, L.J., Wen, H., Kelly, J.J., Calistri, N.L., Heiser, L.M., Nechiporuk, A.V. (2024) Single-cell analysis of Rohon-Beard neurons implicates Fgf signaling in axon maintenance and cell survival. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 44(16):
Varshney, G.K., Lu, J., Gildea, D., Huang, H., Pei, W., Yang, Z., Huang, S.C., Schoenfeld, D.S., Pho, N., Casero, D., Hirase, T., Mosbrook-Davis, D.M., Zhang, S., Jao, L.E., Zhang, B., Woods, I.G., Zimmerman, S., Schier, A.F., Wolfsberg, T., Pellegrini, M., Burgess, S.M., and Lin, S. (2013) A large-scale zebrafish gene knockout resource for the genome-wide study of gene function. Genome research. 23(4):727-735
Veeman, M.T., Slusarski, D.C., Kaykas, A., Louie, S.H., and Moon, R.T. (2003) Zebrafish prickle, a modulator of noncanonical wnt/fz signaling, regulates gastrulation movements. Current biology : CB. 13(8):680-685
Walsh, G.S., Grant, P.K., Morgan, J.A., and Moens, C.B. (2011) Planar polarity pathway and Nance-Horan syndrome-like 1b have essential cell-autonomous functions in neuronal migration. Development (Cambridge, England). 138(14):3033-3042
Wang, D., Jao, L.E., Zheng, N., Dolan, K., Ivey, J., Zonies, S., Wu, X., Wu, K., Yang, H., Meng, Q., Zhu, Z., Zhang, B., Lin, S., and Burgess, S.M. (2007) Efficient genome-wide mutagenesis of zebrafish genes by retroviral insertions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104(30):12428-12433
Wilkins, B.J., and Pack, M. (2013) Zebrafish models of human liver development and disease. Comprehensive Physiology. 3(3):1213-1230
Williams, M.L.K., Solnica-Krezel, L. (2020) Nodal and Planar Cell Polarity signaling cooperate to regulate zebrafish convergence and extension gastrulation movements. eLIFE. 9:
Woods, I.G., Wilson, C., Friedlander, B., Chang, P., Reyes, D.K., Nix, R., Kelly, P.D., Chu, F., Postlethwait, J.H., and Talbot, W.S. (2005) The zebrafish gene map defines ancestral vertebrate chromosomes. Genome research. 15(9):1307-1314
Yang, T., Bassuk, A.G., Stricker, S., Fritzsch, B. (2014) Prickle1 is necessary for the caudal migration of murine facial branchiomotor neurons. Cell and tissue research. 357(3):549-61
Zigman, M., Trinh, L.A., Fraser, S.E., and Moens, C.B. (2011) Zebrafish Neural Tube Morphogenesis Requires Scribble-Dependent Oriented Cell Divisions. Current biology : CB. 21(1):79-86
Čapek, D., Smutny, M., Tichy, A.M., Morri, M., Janovjak, H., Heisenberg, C.P. (2019) Light-activated Frizzled7 reveals a permissive role of non-canonical Wnt signaling in mesendoderm cell migration. eLIFE. 8:
Tuttle, A.M., Miller, L.N., Royer, L.J., Wen, H., Kelly, J.J., Calistri, N.L., Heiser, L.M., Nechiporuk, A.V. (2024) Single-cell analysis of Rohon-Beard neurons implicates Fgf signaling in axon maintenance and cell survival. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 44(16):
Griffin, A., Carpenter, C., Liu, J., Paterno, R., Grone, B., Hamling, K., Moog, M., Dinday, M.T., Figueroa, F., Anvar, M., Ononuju, C., Qu, T., Baraban, S.C. (2021) Phenotypic analysis of catastrophic childhood epilepsy genes. Communications biology. 4:680
Lencer, E., Prekeris, R., Artinger, K.B. (2021) Single-cell RNA analysis identifies pre-migratory neural crest cells expressing markers of differentiated derivatives. eLIFE. 10:
Williams, M.L.K., Solnica-Krezel, L. (2020) Nodal and Planar Cell Polarity signaling cooperate to regulate zebrafish convergence and extension gastrulation movements. eLIFE. 9:
Ahsan, K., Singh, N., Rocha, M., Huang, C., Prince, V.E. (2019) Prickle1 is required for EMT and migration of zebrafish cranial neural crest. Developmental Biology. 448(1):16-35
Lee, G.H., Chang, C.L., Chiu, W.T., Hsiao, T.H., Chen, P.Y., Wang, K.C., Kuo, C.H., Chen, B.H., Shi, G.Y., Wu, H.L., Fu, T.F. (2019) A thrombomodulin-like gene is crucial to the collective migration of epibolic blastomeres during germ layer formation and organogenesis in zebrafish. Journal of Biomedical Science. 26:60
Čapek, D., Smutny, M., Tichy, A.M., Morri, M., Janovjak, H., Heisenberg, C.P. (2019) Light-activated Frizzled7 reveals a permissive role of non-canonical Wnt signaling in mesendoderm cell migration. eLIFE. 8:
Fuller, T.D., Westfall, T.A., Das, T., Dawson, D.V., Slusarski, D.C. (2018) High-throughput behavioral assay to investigate seizure sensitivity in zebrafish implicates ZFHX3 in epilepsy. Journal of neurogenetics. 32(2):92-105
Hübner, K., Cabochette, P., Diéguez-Hurtado, R., Wiesner, C., Wakayama, Y., Grassme, K.S., Hubert, M., Guenther, S., Belting, H.G., Affolter, M., Adams, R.H., Vanhollebeke, B., Herzog, W. (2018) Wnt/β-catenin signaling regulates VE-cadherin-mediated anastomosis of brain capillaries by counteracting S1pr1 signaling. Nature communications. 9:4860
Love, A.M., Prince, D.J., Jessen, J.R. (2018) Vangl2-dependent regulation of membrane protrusions and directed migration requires a fibronectin extracellular matrix. Development (Cambridge, England). 145(22):
Merks, A.M., Swinarski, M., Meyer, A.M., Müller, N.V., Özcan, I., Donat, S., Burger, A., Gilbert, S., Mosimann, C., Abdelilah-Seyfried, S., Panáková, D. (2018) Planar cell polarity signalling coordinates heart tube remodelling through tissue-scale polarisation of actomyosin activity. Nature communications. 9:2161
Reeves, W.M., Wu, Y., Harder, M.J., Veeman, M.T. (2017) Functional and evolutionary insights from the
notochord transcriptome.. Development (Cambridge, England). 144:3375-3387
Braasch, I., Gehrke, A.R., Smith, J.J., Kawasaki, K., Manousaki, T., Pasquier, J., Amores, A., Desvignes, T., Batzel, P., Catchen, J., Berlin, A.M., Campbell, M.S., Barrell, D., Martin, K.J., Mulley, J.F., Ravi, V., Lee, A.P., Nakamura, T., Chalopin, D., Fan, S., Wcisel, D., Cañestro, C., Sydes, J., Beaudry, F.E., Sun, Y., Hertel, J., Beam, M.J., Fasold, M., Ishiyama, M., Johnson, J., Kehr, S., Lara, M., Letaw, J.H., Litman, G.W., Litman, R.T., Mikami, M., Ota, T., Saha, N.R., Williams, L., Stadler, P.F., Wang, H., Taylor, J.S., Fontenot, Q., Ferrara, A., Searle, S.M., Aken, B., Yandell, M., Schneider, I., Yoder, J.A., Volff, J.N., Meyer, A., Amemiya, C.T., Venkatesh, B., Holland, P.W., Guiguen, Y., Bobe, J., Shubin, N.H., Di Palma, F., Alföldi, J., Lindblad-Toh, K., Postlethwait, J.H. (2016) The spotted gar genome illuminates vertebrate evolution and facilitates human-teleost comparisons. Nature Genetics. 48(4):427-37
Dutta, S., Sriskanda, S., Boobalan, E., Alur, R.P., Elkahloun, A., Brooks, B.P. (2015) nlz1 Is required for cilia formation in zebrafish embryogenesis. Developmental Biology. 406(2):203-11
Elkon, R., Milon, B., Morrison, L., Shah, M., Vijayakumar, S., Racherla, M., Leitch, C.C., Silipino, L., Hadi, S., Weiss-Gayet, M., Barras, E., Schmid, C.D., Ait-Lounis, A., Barnes, A., Song, Y., Eisenman, D.J., Eliyahu, E., Frolenkov, G.I., Strome, S.E., Durand, B., Zaghloul, N.A., Jones, S.M., Reith, W., Hertzano, R. (2015) RFX transcription factors are essential for hearing in mice. Nature communications. 6:8549
Jerber, J., Baas, D., Soulavie, F., Chhin, B., Cortier, E., Vesque, C., Thomas, J., and Durand, B. (2014) The coiled-coil domain containing protein CCDC151 is required for the function of IFT-dependent motile cilia in animals. Human molecular genetics. 23(3):563-77
Yang, T., Bassuk, A.G., Stricker, S., Fritzsch, B. (2014) Prickle1 is necessary for the caudal migration of murine facial branchiomotor neurons. Cell and tissue research. 357(3):549-61
Dohn, M.R., Mundell, N.A., Sawyer, L.M., Dunlap, J.A., and Jessen, J.R. (2013) Planar cell polarity proteins differentially regulate extracellular matrix organization and assembly during zebrafish gastrulation. Developmental Biology. 383(1):39-51
Mei, X., Wu, S., Bassuk, A.G., and Slusarski, D.C. (2013) Mechanisms of prickle 1a function in zebrafish epilepsy and retinal neurogenesis. Disease models & mechanisms. 6(3):679-688
Sarras, M.P., Leontovich, A.A., Olsen, A.S., and Intine, R.V. (2013) Impaired tissue regeneration corresponds with altered expression of developmental genes that persists in the metabolic memory state of diabetic zebrafish. Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society. 21(2):320-328
Varshney, G.K., Lu, J., Gildea, D., Huang, H., Pei, W., Yang, Z., Huang, S.C., Schoenfeld, D.S., Pho, N., Casero, D., Hirase, T., Mosbrook-Davis, D.M., Zhang, S., Jao, L.E., Zhang, B., Woods, I.G., Zimmerman, S., Schier, A.F., Wolfsberg, T., Pellegrini, M., Burgess, S.M., and Lin, S. (2013) A large-scale zebrafish gene knockout resource for the genome-wide study of gene function. Genome research. 23(4):727-735
Wilkins, B.J., and Pack, M. (2013) Zebrafish models of human liver development and disease. Comprehensive Physiology. 3(3):1213-1230
Liu, X., Ning, G., Meng, A., and Wang, Q. (2012) MicroRNA-206 regulates cell movements during zebrafish gastrulation by targeting prickle1a and regulating JNK2 phosphorylation. Molecular and cellular biology. 32(14):2934-2942
Mahuzier, A., Gaudé, H.M., Grampa, V., Anselme, I., Silbermann, F., Leroux-Berger, M., Delacour, D., Ezan, J., Montcouquiol, M., Saunier, S., Schneider-Maunoury, S., and Vesque, C. (2012) Dishevelled stabilization by the ciliopathy protein Rpgrip1l is essential for planar cell polarity. The Journal of cell biology. 198(5):927-940
Bosoi, C.M., Capra, V., Allache, R., Trinh, V.Q., De Marco, P., Merello, E., Drapeau, P., Bassuk, A.G., and Kibar, Z. (2011) Identification and characterization of novel rare mutations in the planar cell polarity gene PRICKLE1 in human neural tube defects. Human Mutation. 32(12):1371-5
Burcklé, C., Gaudé, H.M., Vesque, C., Silbermann, F., Salomon, R., Jeanpierre, C., Antignac, C., Saunier, S., and Schneider-Maunoury, S. (2011) Control of the Wnt pathways by nephrocystin-4 is required for morphogenesis of the zebrafish pronephros. Human molecular genetics. 20(13):2611-27
Cui, S., Capecci, L.M., and Matthews, R.P. (2011) Disruption of planar cell polarity activity leads to developmental biliary defects. Developmental Biology. 351(2):229-241
Walsh, G.S., Grant, P.K., Morgan, J.A., and Moens, C.B. (2011) Planar polarity pathway and Nance-Horan syndrome-like 1b have essential cell-autonomous functions in neuronal migration. Development (Cambridge, England). 138(14):3033-3042
Zigman, M., Trinh, L.A., Fraser, S.E., and Moens, C.B. (2011) Zebrafish Neural Tube Morphogenesis Requires Scribble-Dependent Oriented Cell Divisions. Current biology : CB. 21(1):79-86
Cao, Y., Park, A., and Sun, Z. (2010) Intraflagellar Transport Proteins Are Essential for Cilia Formation and for Planar Cell Polarity. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN. 21(8):1326-1333
Mapp, O.M., Wanner, S.J., Rohrschneider, M.R., and Prince, V.E. (2010) Prickle1b mediates interpretation of migratory cues during zebrafish facial branchiomotor neuron migration. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 239(6):1596-1608
Oteiza, P., Köppen, M., Krieg, M., Pulgar, E., Farias, C., Melo, C., Preibisch, S., Müller, D., Tada, M., Hartel, S., Heisenberg, C.P., and Concha, M.L. (2010) Planar cell polarity signalling regulates cell adhesion properties in progenitors of the zebrafish laterality organ. Development (Cambridge, England). 137(20):3459-3468
Panáková, D., Werdich, A.A., and MacRae, C.A. (2010) Wnt11 patterns a myocardial electrical gradient through regulation of the L-type Ca(2+) channel. Nature. 466(7308):874-878
Bassuk, A.G., Wallace, R.H., Buhr, A., Buller, A.R., Afawi, Z., Shimojo, M., Miyata, S., Chen, S., Gonzalez-Alegre, P., Griesbach, H.L., Wu, S., Nashelsky, M., Vladar, E.K., Antic, D., Ferguson, P.J., Cirak, S., Voit, T., Scott, M.P., Axelrod, J.D., Gurnett, C., Daoud, A.S., Kivity, S., Neufeld, M.Y., Mazarib, A., Straussberg, R., Walid, S., Korczyn, A.D., Slusarski, D.C., Berkovic, S.F., and El-Shanti, H.I. (2008) A Homozygous Mutation in Human PRICKLE1 Causes an Autosomal-Recessive Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy-Ataxia Syndrome. American journal of human genetics. 83(5):572-581
Kishimoto, N., Cao, Y., Park, A., and Sun, Z. (2008) Cystic kidney gene seahorse regulates cilia-mediated processes and Wnt pathways. Developmental Cell. 14(6):954-961
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Additional Citations (22):
Burgess, S., and Lin, S. (2012) Viral Insertion Mutants Overwrite Data. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
Burgess, S., and Lin, S. (2011) Viral Insertion Mutants. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
Busch-Nentwich, E., Kettleborough, R., Dooley, C. M., Scahill, C., Sealy, I., White, R., Herd, C., Mehroke, S., Wali, N., Carruthers, S., Hall, A., Collins, J., Gibbons, R., Pusztai, Z., Clark, R., and Stemple, D.L. (2013) Sanger Institute Zebrafish Mutation Project mutant data submission. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
Ensembl curators, GOA curators (2006) Automatic transfer of experimentally verified manual GO annotation data to orthologs using Ensembl Compara. Manually curated data.
Thisse, C., and Thisse, B. (2005) High Throughput Expression Analysis of ZF-Models Consortium Clones. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
UniProt-GOA (2011) Gene Ontology annotation based on the automatic assignment of UniProtKB Subcellular Location terms in UniProtKB/TrEMBL entries. Manually curated data.
Zebrafish Nomenclature Committee (2019) Nomenclature Data Curation (2019). Nomenclature Committee Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2006) Curation of Ensembl Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Computational Sequence to Gene Association in ZFIN. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Scientific Curation. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Curation of orthology data. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Curation of NCBI Gene Data Via Shared RNA Sequence IDs. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Gene Ontology Annotation Through Association of UniProt Keywords with GO Terms. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2017) Curation of PANTHER Gene IDs. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Curation of VEGA Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2013) Semi-automated association of ENSDARG identifiers with ZFIN genes for the ZMP project. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Gene Ontology Annotation Through Association of InterPro Records with GO Terms. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2007) Microarray Expression to Gene Association in ZFIN. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2017) Curation of Alliance of Genome Resources Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2023) Automated Curation of UniProt Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2020) Addition of links from ZFIN to Expression Atlas. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2004) ZGC Data Curation and Association in ZFIN by ZFIN Staff. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2023) Automated Curation of UniProt Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2020) Addition of links from ZFIN to Expression Atlas. Semi-automated Curation.
Zebrafish Nomenclature Committee (2019) Nomenclature Data Curation (2019). Nomenclature Committee Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2017) Curation of PANTHER Gene IDs. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2017) Curation of Alliance of Genome Resources Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
Busch-Nentwich, E., Kettleborough, R., Dooley, C. M., Scahill, C., Sealy, I., White, R., Herd, C., Mehroke, S., Wali, N., Carruthers, S., Hall, A., Collins, J., Gibbons, R., Pusztai, Z., Clark, R., and Stemple, D.L. (2013) Sanger Institute Zebrafish Mutation Project mutant data submission. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2013) Semi-automated association of ENSDARG identifiers with ZFIN genes for the ZMP project. Semi-automated Curation.
Burgess, S., and Lin, S. (2012) Viral Insertion Mutants Overwrite Data. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
Burgess, S., and Lin, S. (2011) Viral Insertion Mutants. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
UniProt-GOA (2011) Gene Ontology annotation based on the automatic assignment of UniProtKB Subcellular Location terms in UniProtKB/TrEMBL entries. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2007) Microarray Expression to Gene Association in ZFIN. Semi-automated Curation.
Ensembl curators, GOA curators (2006) Automatic transfer of experimentally verified manual GO annotation data to orthologs using Ensembl Compara. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2006) Curation of Ensembl Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
Thisse, C., and Thisse, B. (2005) High Throughput Expression Analysis of ZF-Models Consortium Clones. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2004) ZGC Data Curation and Association in ZFIN by ZFIN Staff. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Curation of VEGA Database Links. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Curation of orthology data. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2003) Computational Sequence to Gene Association in ZFIN. Semi-automated Curation.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Gene Ontology Annotation Through Association of UniProt Keywords with GO Terms. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Curation of NCBI Gene Data Via Shared RNA Sequence IDs. Automated Data Submission.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Scientific Curation. Manually curated data.
ZFIN Staff (2002) Gene Ontology Annotation Through Association of InterPro Records with GO Terms. Automated Data Submission.
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