Deficient dopaminergic and histaminergic neurons are found in angpt1–/– and itgb1b–/– brains but normally developed in tek–/– brains. TH1-immunostaining images of 4-dpf shown in (A)angpt1+/+(B)angpt1–/–(C) Quantification of TH1-positive cell numbers in the Hc region (N = 8 per group, P < 0.0001) (D)itgb1b+/+(E)itgb1b–/–(F) Quantification of TH1-positive cell numbers in the Hc region (N = 7 per group, P = 0.0153) (G)tek+/+(H)tek–/– and (I) Quantification of TH1-positive cell numbers in the Hc region (N = 8 per group, P = 0.5392). Histamine (His)-immunostaining images of 4-dpf show in (J)angpt1+/+(K)angpt1–/–(L) Quantification of His-positive cell numbers in the Hc region (N = 8–9 per group, P = 0.003) (M)itgb1b+/+(N)itgb1b–/–(O) Quantification of His-positive cell numbers in the Hc region (N = 7 per group, P < 0.0001) (P)tek+/+(Q)tek–/– and (R) Quantification of His-positive cell numbers in the Hc region (N = 8 per group, P = 0.8814). (A’–Q’) Show the high magnification images corresponding to the white rectangular area in the Hc region shown in (A) and an equivalent area in (B–Q). TH-positive cells display in magenta, and His-positive cells display in green. Hc, caudal hypothalamus. Data represent the mean ± SD. n unpaired student t-test was used for statistical analysis, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 and ****p < 0.0001. Scale bars are 200 μm.