Zebrafish sirt7 facilitates ubiquitination of hif-1αa, hif-1αb, hif-2αa, and hif-2αb.A–D, quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) analysis of the mRNA levels of hif-1αa (A), hif-1αb (B), hif-2αa (C), or hif-2αb (D) in sirt7-null mutant (sirt7ihblqs4/ihblqs4) and the wildtype sibling (sirt7+/+) (3 dpf) under normoxia (Nor) and hypoxia (Hyp). E–H, qPCR analysis of the mRNA levels of hif-1αa (E), hif-1αb (F), hif-2αa (G), or hif-2αb (H) in sirt7-null mutant (sirt7ihblqs7/ihblqs7) and the wildtype sibling (sirt7+/+) (3 dpf) under normoxia (Nor) and hypoxia (Hyp). I–L, ubiquitination analysis of hif-1αa (I), hif-1αb (J), hif-2αa (K), or hif-2αb (L) in HEK293T cells transfected with indicated plasmids for 24 h and then treated with MG132 (20 μM) for 8 h. p Values were calculated by two-way ANOVA analysis (A–H); ns, not significant; data based on one representative experiment performed in three biological replicates from at least three independent experiments (mean ± SD).