Fig. 4

Edmister et al., 2021 - A zebrafish model for calcineurin-dependent brain function
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Fig. 4

Fig. 4. Larval activity. A) Early activity averaged during the first hour of imaging. B) Late activity averaged during period 15. Larvae were treated at 5 dpf with DMSO (2 μL/mL), cyclosporine (CsA, 10 μM), tacrolimus (FK506, 1 μM), rapamycin (RM, 1 μM), proINDY (5PI = 5 μM proINDY, 10PI = 10 μM proINDY), or a combination of two treatments. For example, in the CsA+5PI group, larvae were co-treated with 10 μM CsA and 5 μM PI. Differences between corresponding treatment groups were examined for significance using a Chi-square test with a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. * p < 0.05/14, ** p < 0.01/14, *** p < 0.001/14. N = 912, 372, 188, 263, 383, 275, 190, 178, 93 and 86 larvae in the 10 subsequent treatment groups. The colors of the asterisks indicate differences as compared to the DMSO control (black asterisks), CsA group (red asterisks), FK506 group (yellow asterisks) and PI group (green asterisks). In an ideal rescue experiment, the co-treatments will have red, yellow or green asterisks (indicating differences between the co-treatment and single treatment), but will not have black asterisks (the co-treatment is similar to the DMSO control).

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage: Day 5

Phenotype Detail
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