Expression of oxt in the pre-optic area is undetectable in the med12 mutant while expression of transcription factors required for oxt remain intact. (A) A simplified diagram of the transcriptional network regulating oxytocin expression. Otpb, Sim1a, Pou3f2b, Fezl, and Lhx5 are all required for oxytocin expression. B-C? are all dorsal views of oxt expression in the PO of WISH embryos magnified ×100. (B,B?) 72?hpf. (C,C?) 96?hpf. B,C are wild-type siblings. B?,C? are med12 mutants. D-K? are all lateral views of 48?hpf WISH embryos magnified ×100. D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K are wild-type siblings. D?,E?,F?,G?,H?,I?,J? are med12 mutants. (D,D?) oxt expression in the PO. (E,E?) pou3f2b expression in the PO (F,F?) pou3f2a expression in the PO. (G,G?) sim1a expression in the vTha, PT, and PO. (H,H?) otpb expression in the H, PT, and PO. (I,I?) fezl expression in the PO and Tel. (J,J?) lhx5 expression in the PO, Tel and H. (K,K?) mytl1a expression in the POA. PO, pre-optic area; TeO, optic tectum; vTha, ventral thalamus; PT, posterior tuberculum; H, hypothalamus; Ce, cerebellum; MO, medulla oblongata; Tel, telencephalon.