Fig. 4

Rogers et al., 2017 - Nodal patterning without Lefty inhibitory feedback is functional but fragile
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Fig. 4

nodal mutations suppress lefty1-/-;lefty2-/- mutant defects.

(A–F’’) Lateral views of embryos with indicated genotypes at 1 day post-fertilization (dpf). Embryos are progeny from an incross of cycm294/+;lft1-/-;lft2+/- (A–C’’) or sqtcz35/+;lft1-/-;lft2+/- (D–F’’) adults, and were genotyped after imaging (see Materials and methods for details). In contrast to lft1-/-;lft2-/- mutants (A’’, D’’), nodal+/-;lft1-/-;lft2-/- mutants (B’’, E’’) have long tails and well-defined heads, and some nodal-/-;lft1-/-;lft2-/- mutants (C’’,F’’) have eyes in addition to full-length tails. nodal-/-;lft1-/-;lft2-/- and nodal+/-;lft1-/-;lft2-/- mutants are not viable. cyc homozygotes exhibit the expected curved body axis (Sampath et al., 1998) (C,C’), but curvature is reduced in cyc-/-;lft1-/-;lft2-/- embryos (C’’). (G–L’’’) In situ hybridization assessing expression of endodermal (sox32/casanova) (G–I’’’) or mesodermal (noto/floating head) (J–L’’’) genes in the indicated genotypes (dorsal views). Mesendoderm upregulation is less pronounced in sqt-/-;lft1-/-;lft2-/- compared to lft1-/-;lft2-/- mutants. (M–N) 72 embryos from a cyc+/-;lft1-/-;lft2+/- incross (M) and 84 embryos from a sqt+/-;lft1-/-;lft2+/- incross (N) were scored and imaged at 1 dpf, and subsequently genotyped. Number of embryos of each genotype with the indicated phenotype at 1 dpf is shown. Together, these results demonstrate that loss of sqt or cyc can suppress lft1-/-;lft2-/- mutant phenotypes.

Expression Data
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: 30%-epiboly to 75%-epiboly

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Fish: (all 10)
Observed In: (all 7)
Stage Range: 30%-epiboly to Prim-5

Phenotype Detail
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