scl-a7alpha; is required for the maintenance of HSCs in the AGM. (A-F) cmyb expression in control zebrafish embryos and scl-α morphants. Arrows indicate cmyb expression in AGM (A,B,D,E) or CHT (C,F) region. D, n=43/48; E, n=37/45; F, n=34/40. (G,H) CD41:eGFP+ HSCs in the AGM of 2 dpf control embryos and scl-7alpha; morphants (n=25/28). White arrows identify the CD41:eGFP+ HSCs and blue arrowheads indicate unaffected CD41:eGFP+ cells in the pronephric duct. (I-L2) Time-lapse confocal imaging of a live Tg(scl-α:DsRed; kdrl:eGFP) embryo injected with scl-α MO from <38 to 50 hpf. In J-L′, selected planes show three apoptotic HSCs in the scl-α morphants. Also see supplementary material Movie 4. Similar results were obtained in all four scl-α morphants observed (n=4/4). Scale bars: 50 μm in G,H; 20 μm in I-L2.