Fig. 3

Feng et al., 2012 - Live Imaging of Tumor Initiation in Zebrafish Larvae Reveals a Trophic Role for Leukocyte-Derived PGE(2)
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Fig. 3

Leukocyte Depletion Prevents V12RAS+ Cell Growth, which Can Be Partially Rescued by dmPGE2(A?I) Representative images of flank skin regions illustrating numbers of V12RASeGFP+ transformed cells after morpholino (Mo) knockdown of pu.1 and gcsfr (for depletion of both neutrophils and macrophages); gcsfr alone (for depletion of neutrophils); irf8 or a lower dose (2 nl/embryo) of pu.1 morpholino alone (for depletion of macrophages) with or without additional treatment with dmPGE2.(J) Graphic illustration of how dmPGE2 can rescue the number of transformed cells in morphants in which both neutrophils and macrophages have been specifically depleted (p < 0.01, n = 33, 32, and 34).(K) Graphic illustration of how dmPGE2 can only partially rescue morpholino knockdowns that largely target neutrophils (p < 0.001, n = 25, 25, and 22).(L and M) Similar graphic illustration of how dmPGE2 can rescue morpholino knockdowns that largely target macrophages (irf8 Mo-p < 0.05, n = 24, 26, and 23; 2 nl pu.1 Mo-p < 0.05, n = 31, 30, and 34).The scale bar represents 100 µm. See also Figures S3 and S4.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Knockdown Reagents:
Observed In:
Stage: Day 4

Phenotype Detail
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