
The evolutionary conservation of the A Disintegrin-like and Metalloproteinase domain with Thrombospondin-1 motif metzincins across vertebrate species and their expression in teleost zebrafish

Brunet, F.G., Fraser, F.W., Binder, M.J., Smith, A.D., Kintakas, C., Dancevic, C.M., Ward, A.C., McCulloch, D.R.
Full text @ BMC Evol. Biol.

Expression of adamts genes during zebrafish development. Q-RT-PCR for each adamts gene from developmentally staged zebrafish embryo total RNA. Hours?=?hours post fertilization, Days?=?days post fertilization. The data are normalized to the 1 cell stage (zygote). *P?<?0.05, **P?<?0.01, ***P?<?0.001.

Expression of adamts9 and adamts15a genes during zebrafish development. Whole-mount in situ hybridisation of adamts9 and adamts15a in developing zebrafish embryos. A. adamts9 is expressed in the cerebellum (18 and 22 hpf - arrow heads) and rhombic lip (22 hpf - arrow). B. adamts15a is expressed in branchial arch II (24 hpf), branchial arch I and II (48 and 52 hpf) and Meckel?s cartilage (80 hpf - open arrow). Expression was confirmed using two separate mRNA probes to each gene. hpf = hours post fertilization.

Expression of adamts genes in adult zebrafish. RT-PCR of ADAMTS enzymes in adult zebrafish tissues. Total RNA was isolated from adult zebrafish organs and RT-PCR was performed for each adamts enzyme with same primer sets used for quantitative RT-PCR. ?- actin was used as a house-keeping gene.

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