Figure 7

Figures for Sobah et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 7

Eye pathology in socs3b KO zebrafish. Representative images of wildtype (WT, socs3bwt/wt) and symptomatic knockout (KO, socs3bmdu24/mdu24) zebrafish on either the Tg(mpx::GFP) (A, B) or Tg(mpeg1.1::GFP) (C) background, with close-up of right eye from respective zebrafish (B, C) under light (left panels) and fluorescence (right panels) microscopy, with scale bar representing 1 cm. Incidence of eye pathology (D) and overall survival (E) in WT and KO zebrafish (n = 25), with significance determined using a log-rank test. Gene expression analysis of WT and symptomatic KO adult eye showing mean and SEM (n = 6) (F). Normalized Cq values obtained from WT and KO eyes was used to test for significance using parametric t-tests (*** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05).

Figure Data
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