Fig. 3
Fig. 3 cDNA structure and expression of pax5. A: General structure of pax5 splice variants. Brackets indicate exon boundaries. Conserved functional domains, paired (PD), octapeptide (OP), homeo (HD), transactivation (TAD), and inhibitory (ID) are marked. Putative translation start sites (M) are indicated. Binding sites for translation-blocking (TB1 and 2) and splice-blocking (SB1, 2, and 3) morpholinos are shown. Newly identified 5′ (i) and 3′ (ii) sequences are shown in comparison with fugu pax5. Zebrafish and fugu sequences are 100% identical at the amino acid level. B-E: Expression of pax5 in the otic placode at 17 hours postfertilization (hpf; B), in the otic vesicle at 24 hpf (C) and in the utricular macula at 48 hpf (D,E). E: Enlarged view of boxed area in D. Hair cell (hc) supporting cell layers are marked. Arrow, weak expression in the saccule. (A) Dorsal, (B) dorsolateral, and (C,D) lateral views, with anterior to the left. Scale bar = 30 μm in A, 40 μm in B,C, 12.5 μm in D.