Fig. 3
UTP3 complexes with MPP10, UTP25, UTP12, UTP13 and EMG1. (A and B) Western blot showing the Co-IP product pulled down using a FLAG antibody (FLAG fused to UTP3) (A) or an HA antibody (HA fused to UTP3) (B). In (A), MPP10 and UTP25 were fused with an HA tag, and in (B), UTP12, UTP13 and EMG1 were fused with a FLAG tag. TUBULIN was used as loading control. (C) Western blot showing the effect of RNase treatment on the interaction between UTP3 and the endogenous MPP10, UTP25, UTP12, UTP13 or EMG1. Total proteins were extracted from the DOX-inducible HA-UTP3 overexpression cells. UTP3 was detected using an HA antibody, the endogenous MPP10, UTP25, UTP12, UTP13 and EMG1 were detected using their corresponding specific antibodies. Considering the weak non-specific binding of MPP10, UTP12 and UTP13 by the beads, non-specific beads-bound LAMINB in IP products was used as a loading control. |