KCR1 actuation inhibits zebrafish larval movements. A Zebrafish embryos showing expression of the jRGECO1a red fluorescent protein and KCR1-ET with a YFP tag. The proteins were expressed in all spinal motor neurons under the control of the GAL4s1020t driver. Scale bar = 100 µm, n = 1 biologically independent sample over 1 independent experiment. B KCR1-ET is expressed in cell bodies and neurites, with very sparse expression in muscle cells. Scale bar = 100 µm, n = 1 biologically independent sample over 1 independent experiment. C, D Relative movement of KCR1-ET embryos and non-expressing sibling controls before, during, and after illumination with green light, as indicated by the green panels. Movement in embryos expressing KCR1-ET is suppressed by green light E, F KCR1-GS embryos and control siblings: the former show a pronounced suppression of movement. G, H Embryos expressing ACR2 and non-expressing sibling controls. Movement in the ACR2 embryos is suppressed by green light. Line plots show mean relative movement per second with 95% CI error bands. For all genotypes shown in panels (C–H), n = 50 biologically independent animals over 50 independent experiments. Additional statistical information for all panels is presented in Supplementary Dataset 1. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.