Smad-mediated BMP signalling is decreased in the perichondrium region of heat-shocked, dnBMPR zebrafish embryos. (A-D′) Levels of p-Smad1/5/9 immunoreactivity appeared reduced in perichondral cells of heat-shocked dnBMPR ceratohyals at 72 hpf (i.e. 48 h after 20-min heat shock). (E) Quantitative image analyses (n=3 for each group) revealed significant decreases in p-Smad1/5/9 levels in both nuclei and non-nuclear regions of perichondral cells in heat-shocked dnBMPR zebrafish, compared with each control group (*P<0.05, one-way ANOVA and paired Student's t-test). Scale bars: 50 μm. a.u., arbitrary units; ColII, Collagen type II; HS, heat-shocked; pc, perichondral cells; wt, wild type.