Fig. 4. Functional homogeneity of astrocytes in ZnCl2-low and ZnCl2-high groups after zinc exposure. Homogeneity of enriched biological processes in astrocytes of ZnCl2-low cluster 4 and ZnCl2-high cluster 3 (defense responses and immune responses, A). Venn diagrams of DEGs in both astrocyte clusters (B); Volcano plot of DEGs that overlap between the two astrocyte clusters (C) (top DEGs associated with immune functions are labeled); enriched functional processes of the overlapping DEGs in both astrocytes clusters (D); a proposed mechanism in response to zinc toxicity in astrocytes (E). GO:0006952, defense response; GO:0009611, response to wounding; GO:0042060, wound healing; GO:0050900, leukocyte migration; GO:0030593, neutrophil chemotaxis. The screening criteria of enrichment analyses were Padj < 0.05 with enrichment genes ≥ 3 or p value < 0.05 with enrichment genes ≥ 5. Otherwise, the p value is shown in the figure.