(A) Individual UMAP feature plots for the Alx transcription factor-encoding genes. alx1, alx3, alx4a and alx4b are enriched in the frontonasal NCC population relative to other populations. All individual feature plots have the same scale. (B) Violin plots illustrate relative Alx gene expression in the anterior arches (aa), frontonasal region (fn), posterior arches (pa) and melanocyte population (m). (C-E) In situ hybridization reveals where the alx3-expressing frontonasal population resides in intact embryos: alx3 is strongly expressed in NCCs residing between the eye and the nasal placode (np) (C), alx3-expressing cells are found medial to the nasal placodes (D) and alx3 is expressed in cells ventral to the nasal placodes (E). Scale bars: 50 µm.