(A) In situ hybridization revealing alx3 expression in an anterior stream of migrating NCCs (arrows), which is also labeled with sox10:GFP. Lateral view. (B) Arrows indicate an anterior subset of post-migratory NCCs ventral and medial to the eye that express alx3 and fli1a:GFP. Ventral view. (C) Arrows indicate alx3 expression in post-migratory NCCs on the roof of the mouth (m). Cells in this region are differentiating into ethmoid plate chondrocytes at this stage. Ventral view. All post-migratory NCCs, their derivatives, and the developing vasculature express fli1a:GFP. Lens (l) and yolk granules (asterisks) autofluorescence are indicated. Scale bars: 50?µm.