Fig. 2

Muthu et al., 2016 - Rx3 and Shh direct anisotropic growth and specification in the zebrafish tuberal/anterior hypothalamus
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Fig. 2

Anterior/tuberal hypothalamus elongates from rx3+ progenitors. (A-H′) Side views after single or double FISH at 30hpf (A-D) and 55hpf (E-H; E′-H′ show high-power views of boxed regions). Arrows in A,C,E,G show distances measured for growth comparisons. Arrowheads in E′,F′ indicate position of recesses (colour-coded as in Fig. 1A). (I-K) Maximum intensity projections of representative sections through 30hpf embryos. I,J show serial adjacent sections; I′,J′ show single-channel views. Arrowheads show co-labelled (yellow) or single-labelled (green) cells. T-shaped white dotted lines indicate outline of AR and LR. (L,L′) Side views of 55hpf embryo; L′ shows single-channel view. (M,M′) Representative single-plane views taken through zone II; M′ shows single-channel view. Yellow arrowheads show double-labelled cells; green arrowheads point to phosH3+ rx3- cells at recess tips. (N) Quantitative analyses of cycling cells at 30-55hpf as indicated by phosH3 expression in rx3+ cells, rx3- cells or in cells adjacent (adj.) to rx3+ cells. (O) Schematic depicting rx3, fgf3 and emx2 expression, and change in length and axial orientation of hypothalamus. A ?bending? of the tuberal/anterior hypothalamus occurs over 30-55hpf, relative to the rostro-caudal axis. Red arrows indicate length of dorsal diencephalon or length of emx2+ PH; white arrows indicate length of rx3+ territories; blue arrows indicate distance from DTJ to rx3+ zone III. (P) Length from DTJ to rostral tip of rx3+ zone III (n=5 embryos each at 30, 40, 48, 55hpf). (Q) Tuberal/anterior hypothalamus grows approx. 2.5-fold more than dorsal diencephalon, emx2+ PH or ventral rx3+ zone III (n=10 each; P<0.0001). Dotted and dashed lines delineate ventral hypothalamus and T-shaped AR/LR (white), adenohypophysis (blue) and rx3-expressing domain (red). AH, anterior hypothalamus; dA, dorso-anterior; PH, posterior hypothalamus; TH; tuberal hypothalamus; vT, ventral tuberal. Scale bars: 50µm.

Expression Data
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: Prim-15 to Long-pec

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
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