lnx2a knockdown causes defects in the exocrine pancreas. (A) Schematic drawing of the lnx2a locus containing 11 exons, and the Lnx2a protein (737 aa) containing a RING-finger domain (RF), the Numb binding NPAF motif (F), and four PDZ domains. The translation initiation site is located in exon 2, which encodes the RING-finger domain. The lnx2a-MO targets the splice donor site of exon 2. Primers in exon 1 (F1) and exon 11 (R1) are shown, as is the epitope for the Lnx2a antibody in the third PDZ domain. (B and C) The lnx2a-MO (5 ng) leads to inhibition of exocrine markers (try, ptf1a), but not endocrine markers (ins, glu), as seen by two-color WISH at 60 hpf. (D and E) Quantification of marker expression; effects were classified as strong, partial, and unaffected. MO, lnx2a-MO; UN, uninjected. (Scale bar: 100 µm.)